Emeh, A., *Usman, S. O., Adebanjo, A. M., Ogboghodo, E., Akinbinu, B., Suraju, A., Udechukwu, C., Ale, J., Ariyo, A., Owolagba, F. E., Jolayemi, T., and Okonkwo, P.
APIN Public Health Initiatives, Abuja, Nigeria *Correspondence to: senatorhopsy@yahoo.com
Abstract: Background: Index testing is a voluntary process whereby HIV seropositive clients are counselled and, after obtaining consent, their sexual and needle sharing partners are offered HIV testing services. Index testing has been associated with high HIV positivity yield. The aim of this study is to determine the positivity yield and identify factors influencing the yield from index testing strategy in selected healthcare facilities in Ondo State, southwest Nigeria. Continue reading “Positivity yield of HIV index testing services from selected healthcare facilities in Ondo State, southwest Nigeria”