A Correlation Study Of Ulcer Status With Bacterial Colonization And Invasion

I.A. Adigun, O.M. Oluwatosin, J.O. Thomas, O.A. Olawoye



Wound biopsy is a reliable way of diagnosing wound infection in patients with chronic ulcer of the limbs and in burn patients. The biopsy specimen is subjected to both histological and microbiological analysis. While wound swabs often cultured mixed contaminants, biopsy specimens usually reveal single organism growth. This is a prospective study of fifty patients with chronic leg ulcers attending surgical outpatient department over a period of 10 months. The ulcers were subjected to histopathology study. The clinical status of the ulcers were correlated with the histopathology result. There was both statistical and clinical significance between the ABDEFS’ and HISTOPATHOLOGY scores. A clinician can therefore reasonably predict the degree of bacterial invasion of the ulcer based on the assessment of its clinical appearance and thus commence appropriate treatment before further complication sets in.

(Af. J. of Clinical and Experimental Microbiology: 2002 3(1): 11-12)