Doctors do not use the medical microbiology laboratory when infectious diseases are suspected

1Lawson, S., and *2Omunakwe, H. E.

Departments of 1Medical Microbiology and Parasitology, and *2Haematology and Blood Transfusion, River State University Teaching Hospital, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

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Received Nov 16, 2020; Revised Dec 25, 2020; Accepted Dec 26, 2020

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Editor-in-Chief: Prof. S. S. Taiwo

Les médecins n’utilisent pas le laboratoire de microbiologie médicale en cas de suspicion de maladies infectieuses

1Lawson, S., et*2Omunakwe, H. E.
Départements de 1Microbiologie Médicale et Parasitologie, et *2Hématologie et Transfusion Sanguine, Hôpital Universitaire de River State, Port Harcourt, Nigéria

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Doctors do not use the medical microbiology laboratory when infectious diseases are suspected