Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) remain cosmopolitan in all societies of the world and in some cases assume epidemic proportions. These infections are common infectious diseases nowadays, with an annual incidence of more than 200 million cases a year. Venereal pathogens continue to increase in number and the spectrum of pathogens has limitless elasticity. While genital discharge and ulceration are common presenting symptoms, unusual findings on examination and investigation are not uncommon. We assessed our clinic experiences during the first ten years in an STI clinic. Salient findings are that 85% of all patients seen have an STI. The breakdown of infections revealed that Candida albicans was the most common venereal pathogen accounting for 24% while Neisseria gonorrhoeae accounted for about 18.0%. Sarcoptes scabiei and Phthirus pubis causing scabies and pediculosis accounted for 1.8% and 0.3% respectively. As commonly established, the age bracket 19 to 39 years was clearly the age group in which sexually transmitted infections were mostly diagnosed. In a control programme, this age group should be targeted, while there is the need to continue to stimulate awareness of both the general public and health workers at all levels on the problems of sexually transmitted infections, the scourge of all ages.
Key Words: Sexually transmitted infections, venereal pathogens, clinic experience, control awareness
Afr. J. Clin. Exper. Microbiol. Vol.6(1) 2005: 64-68