Antimicrobial properties, safety, and probiotic attributes of lactic acid bacteria isolated from Sauerkraut

*Fadare, O. S., Anyadike, C. H., Momoh, A. O., and Bello, T. K.

Department of Biological Sciences (Microbiology Unit), Faculty of Basic and Applied Sciences, Elizade University, Wuraola Ade Ojo Avenue, P. M. B. 002, Ilara-Mokin, Ondo State, Nigeria

*Correspondence to; +2348169001041; ORCiD: 0000-0002-1749-2238



 Background: According to the World Health Organization, probiotics have been defined as live microorganisms that when administered in the right amount provide health benefits to the host. This study aims to isolate lactic acid bacteria (LAB) from Sauerkraut and determine their anti-pathogenic potential and suitability as probiotics.

Methodology: Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) were isolated from fermented cabbage obtained from an open market in Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria by inoculating the prepared cabbage suspension on triplet plates of Rogosa agar (Lactobacillus selecting agar) and incubating in an anaerobic jar with gaspaks at 37oC for 72 hours. The LAB isolates were presumptively identified phenotypically by colony morphology, Gram stain reaction, and catalase test. The antibacterial activity of the LAB isolates was then carried out using agar overlay and agar-well diffusion methods. The most efficient LAB isolate was selected based on its strong antibacterial activity, confirmed by 16S rRNA sequencing and further evaluated for probiotic activities including bile salt resistance, survival in low pH, hydrophobicity of the cell surface, auto-aggregation, and co-aggregation. The putative probiotic LAB isolate was also evaluated for its safety using in vitro tests (antibiotic susceptibility testing, haemolysis, and DNase tests) and in vivo assays (sub-acute oral toxicity tests in male albino rats). Continue reading “Antimicrobial properties, safety, and probiotic attributes of lactic acid bacteria isolated from Sauerkraut”

Antagonistic effect and bacteriocinogenic activity of Lactic Acid Bacteria isolated from Sorghum bicolor-based ‘ogi’ on food borne bacterial pathogens from cabbage

1Orji, J. O., 1Amaobi, C. B., 1*Moses I. B., 2Uzoh, C. V., and 2Emioye, A. A.
1Department of Applied Microbiology, Faculty of Sciences, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Nigeria 2Department of Biology/Microbiology/Biotechnology, Alex Ekwueme Federal University, Ndufu-Alike, Ikwo, Ebonyi State, Nigeria *Correspondence to:; +2348134136233


Background: Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are important organisms recognized for fermentative ability as well as health and nutritional benefits. A large number of bacteriocins from LAB have been characterized and a number of studies have indicated the potential usefulness of bacteriocin in food preservative. The objective of this study was to evaluate the antagonistic effects and bacteriocinogenic activity of LAB isolated from Sorghum bicolor-based ‘ogi’ against selected food borne bacteria from cabbage samples.
Methodology: Five samples of Sorghum bicolor-based ‘ogi’ and 5 samples of suspected infected cabbage heads were randomly collected using sterile water proof material from Abakpa main market, Abakaliki, and processed at the Applied Microbiology Laboratory of Ebonyi State University, for isolation of LAB and food borne pathogen by conventional culture and biochemical identification tests. Antagonistic effects of LAB and its bacteriocinogenic activity were determined by agar well diffusion test.
Results: Three different Lactobacillus species designated A, B, and C, were isolated from the Sorghum bicolor-based ‘ogi’ and 5 bacterial species were isolated from cabbage heads; Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella, and Shigella species. The Lactobacillus species had inhibitory effect against S. aureus, E. coli, and Shigella species with inhibition zone diameters (IZD) of 19 mm, 10 mm, and 10 mm respectively. The crude bacteriocin extracts from the Lactobacillus species showed higher inhibitory activity against tested bacterial isolates at 10-1 (0.1ml) than at 10-2 dilution (0.01ml), and the inhibitory activity was higher at pH 2 than pH 6 and 7, with no activity at pH 8.

Conclusion: This study showed that LAB and its extracted bacteriocin demonstrated in vitro inhibitory activity against food borne pathogens isolated from cabbage heads. There is the need to further characterize the active components of the bacteriocin for possible commercial use as preservatives and potential source of new antimicrobial agent.

Keywords: Lactic acid bacteria, bacteriocin, cabbage, fermented food, ‘ogi’
Received June 25, 2019; Revised October 18, 2019; Accepted October 19, 2019
Copyright 2020 AJCEM Open Access. This article is licensed and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attrition 4.0 International License (//, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided credit is given to the original author(s) and the source.
Effet antagonistes et activité bactériocinogène de bactéries de l’acide lactique isolées à partir d’un «ogi» à base de sorgho bicolore sur des agents pathogènes bactériens d’origine alimentaire issus du chou
1Orji, J. O., 1Amaobi, C. B., 1*Moses I. B., 2Uzoh, C. V., et 2Emioye, A. A.
1Département de microbiologie appliquée, Faculté des sciences, Université Ebonyi State, Abakaliki, Nigéria 2Département de Biologie/Microbiologie/Biotechnologie, Université fédérale Alex Ekwueme, Ndufu-Alike, Ikwo, État Ebonyi, Nigéria *Correspondance à:; +2348134136233


Contexte: Les bactéries de l’acide lactique (LAB) sont des organismes importants reconnus pour leur aptitude à la fermentation ainsi que pour leurs bienfaits nutritionnels et de santé. Un grand nombre de bactériocines de LAB ont été caractérisées et un certain nombre d’études ont indiqué l’utilité potentielle de la bactériocine dans un conservateur alimentaire. L’objectif de cette étude était d’évaluer les effets antagonistes et l’activité bactériocinogène du LAB isolé de «ogi» à base de Sorghum bicolor sur certaines bactéries d’origine alimentaire prélevées dans des échantillons de chou. Méthodologie: Cinq échantillons d’ogi à base de Sorghum bicolor et 5 échantillons de têtes de choux présumées infectées ont été prélevés au hasard à l’aide d’un matériau imperméable à l’eau stérile provenant du marché principal d’Abakpa, à Abakaliki, et traités au laboratoire de microbiologie appliquée d’Ebonyi State University pour l’isolement de LAB et agent pathogène d’origine alimentaire par culture conventionnelle et tests d’identification biochimiques. Les effets antagonistes de LAB et son activité bactériocinogène ont été déterminés par un test de diffusion sur gélose. Résultats: Trois espèces différentes de Lactobacillus désignées par A, B et C ont été isolées à partir du «ogi» à base de Sorghum bicolor et 5 espèces bactériennes ont été isolées à partir de têtes de chou; Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, espèces de Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella et Shigella. Les espèces de Lactobacillus avaient un effet inhibiteur contre les espèces de S. aureus, E. coli et Shigella avec des diamètres de zone d’inhibition (IZD) de 19 mm, 10 mm et 10 mm respectivement. Les extraits de bactériocine bruts de l’espèce Lactobacillus ont montré une activité inhibitrice plus élevée contre les isolats bactériens testés à 10-1 (0,1 ml) qu’à une dilution de 10-2 (0,01 ml), et l’activité inhibitrice était supérieure à pH 2 à pH 6 et à 7, sans activité à pH 8. Conclusion: cette étude a montré que le LAB et sa bactériocine extraite ont démontré une activité inhibitrice in vitro contre les agents pathogènes d’origine alimentaire isolés de la tête du chou. Il est nécessaire de mieux caractériser les composants actifs de la bactériocine pour une utilisation commerciale éventuelle en tant que conservateurs et source potentielle de nouvel agent antimicrobien.

Bacteriocinogenic activity of Lactic Acid Bacteria Afr. J. Clin. Exper. Microbiol. 2020; 21 (1): 45-52

Mots-clés: Bactéries lactiques, bactériocine, chou, aliment fermenté, ‘ogi’

Antagonistic effect and bacteriocinogenic activity of Lactic Acid Bacteria isolated from Sorghum bicolor-based ‘ogi’ on food borne bacterial pathogens from cabbage