Improved Cryptosporidium case findings using immunofluorescent microscopy on concentrated stool

Cox, D., and *Robberts, F. J. L.

Division of Medical Microbiology, University of Cape Town, 1 Anzio Road, Observatory, 7925, South Africa *Correspondence to:; +27 645256360; //

Background: Diarrhoea is a major cause of morbidity in Cape Town, South Africa, and mortality is attributed to a failure to recognize the severity of the condition. Cryptosporidium and Giardia are increasingly recognized as important causes of diarrhoea in Africa however, suboptimal diagnostic techniques may lead to underappreciation of their significance. Our objectives are to compare the diagnostic yield of direct immunofluorescent antigen (DFA) microscopy on concentrated stool samples for Cryptosporidium and Giardia, with the current approach of wet mount microscopy for Giardia and auramine fluorescent stain for Cryptosporidium on unconcentrated stool. Continue reading “Improved Cryptosporidium case findings using immunofluorescent microscopy on concentrated stool”

The risk of transfusion transmitted malaria and the need for malaria screening of blood donors in Abuja, Nigeria

1* Ezeonu, C. M., 1 Adabara, N. U., 1 Garba, S. A., 1 Kuta, F. A., 2 Ewa, E. E.,

2 Oloruntoba, P. O., and 3 Atureta, Z.

1 Department of Microbiology, School of Life Sciences, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria

2 Maitama District Hospital, Federal Capital Territory, Abuja 3 Federal Medical Centre, Jabi, Federal Capital Territory, Abuja

*Correspondence to:


Background: Blood transfusion saves life but it is also a major risk factor in the transmission of certain infections such as malaria, which remains a public health problem in tropical and sub-Saharan Africa. Methodology: This study investigated the prevalence of malaria among 550 blood donors aged 18 to 60 years from blood bank units of some selected hospitals in Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja, using gold standard microscopy for malaria parasite detection. Results: Two hundred and fifty two (45.8%) donors were positive for malaria parasites. Replacement donors had higher prevalence rate of malaria compared to voluntary donors. The distribution of infection on the basis of age revealed the highest prevalence rate of malaria among the 20- 29yrs age group. The rate of infection among the males and the females was not significantly different (p>0.05). No association was observed between the blood group types and the rate of malaria infection (p > 0.05). Conclusion: A high prevalence of malaria parasitaemia was observed among blood donors in FCT, Abuja, Nigeria in this study. The introduction of malaria screening as part of routine screening for blood donation and the provision of modern blood screening equipment within healthcare facilities are highly advocated.

Keywords: Blood, Malaria, Microscopy, ABO Blood group

Received March 18, 2018; Revised March 18, 2019; Accepted March 30, 2019

Copyright 2019 AJCEM Open Access. This article is licensed and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attrition 4.0 International License (//, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided credit is given to the original author(s) and the source.


Risque de paludisme transmis par transfusion et nécessité d’un dépistage du paludisme chez les donneurs de sang à Abuja, Nigéria

1* Ezeonu, C. M., 1 Adabara, N. U., 1 Garba, S. A., 1 Kuta, F. A., 2 Ewa, E. E.,

2 Oloruntoba, P. O., and 3 Atureta, Z

1 Département de microbiologie, École des sciences de la vie, Université fédérale de technologie de Minna, Nigéria

2 Hôpital de district Maitama, Territoire de la capitale fédérale, Abuja

3 Centre médical fédéral, Jabi, Territoire de la capitale fédérale, Abuja

*Correspondance à:


Contexte: La transfusion sanguine sauve des vies, mais elle constitue également un facteur de risque majeur dans la transmission de certaines infections, telles que le paludisme, qui reste un problème de santé publique en Afrique tropicale et en Afrique subsaharienne. Méthodologie: Cette étude a examiné la prévalence du paludisme chez 550 donneurs de sang âgés de 18 à 60 ans appartenant aux banques de sang de certains hôpitaux sélectionnés du Territoire de la capitale fédérale (FCT), à Abuja, en utilisant la microscopie de référence pour la détection des parasites du paludisme. Résultats: Deux cent cinquante deux (45,8%) donneurs étaient positifs pour les parasites du paludisme. Le taux de prévalence du paludisme était plus élevé chez les donneurs de remplacement que chez les donneurs volontaires. La répartition de l’infection sur la base de l’âge a révélé le taux de prévalence du paludisme le plus élevé parmi le groupe d’âge des 20-29 ans. Le taux d’infection chez les hommes et les femmes n’était pas significativement différent (p> 0,05). Aucune association n’a été observée entre les types de groupes sanguins et le taux d’infection palustre (p> 0,05). Conclusion: Une prévalence élevée de parasitémie paludéenne a été observée chez les donneurs de sang à FCT, à Abuja, au Nigeria, dans cette étude. L’introduction du dépistage du paludisme dans le cadre du dépistage systématique des dons de sang et la fourniture d’équipements modernes de dépistage du sang dans les

Mots-clés: Sang, Paludisme, Microscopie, Groupe sanguin ABO

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The risk of transfusion transmitted malaria and the need for malaria screening of blood donors in Abuja, Nigeria

Comparison of Rapid Diagnostic Tests and Microscopy for Malaria

OA Oyeniran, OO Ajayi, AY Afolabi, EK Oladipo, AA Adepeju



Presumptive treatment of malaria results in significant overuse of antimalarials. This study compared the diagnostic accuracy of Histidine Rich Protein II and plasmodium lactate dehydrogenase (pLDH)-based Rapid Kits( RDTs)and using expert microscopy as the gold standard for the detection of falciparum and non-falciparum in 200 individuals suffering from fever episodes over a period 8months in a malaria-endemic area in Osogbo, Osun State. 99(44.5%) of these patients were microscopically parasitaemic with three Plasmodium species identified expect P.ovale. 25 (12.5%) of the study population had temperature < 37.50C at the time of presentation in the clinic among which 16 (64% ) were parasitaemic. Furthermore, 148 (74%) of the study population had fever episode of which 65(44%) were positive for malaria. The sensitivity and specificity of pLDH (Pf) were 84.7% and  78.3% respectively and HRP-2 were 72.7% and 90.9% respectively. Both had high detection (94.7%) at parasite density ≥ 10,000 parasite/`l of blood. Microscopy still remains the ‘Gold Standard’ since both are not 95% sensitive and cannot determine parasites quantification.

Keywords: Plasmodium, Microscopy, Rapid Kits, Osogbo, Nigeria, LAUTECH


Le traitement présomptif de paludisme résulte de l’usage abusif considérable des antipaludiques. Cette étude a pour but de comparer l’efficacité de diagnostic de l’histidine RichProtein II et de test de diagnostic rapide (TDR) à base de kits plasmodium lactate déshydrogénase (pLDH) et en utilisant la microscopie experte comme «gold standard» pour la détection de P. falciparum et non-falciparum chez 200 personnes souffrant d’épisodes de fièvre sur une période de huit mois dans une région où le paludisme est endémique dans Osogbo, l’Etat d’Osun. 99 (44,5%) de ces patients étaient parasitémiques à la microscopie à trois espèces de Plasmodiumidentifiées différentes de P. ovaleattendu. 25 (12,5%) de la population étudiée avait une température <37,5°C au moment de leur arrivée à la clinique parmi lesquels, 16 (64%) étaient parasitémiques. En outre, 148 (74%) de la population d’étude avait un épisode de fièvre dont 65 (44%) étaient positifs pour le paludisme. La sensibilité et la spécificité de pLDH (Pf) étaient respectivement de 84,7% et 78,3% et celles de HRP-2 étaient respectivement de 72,7% et 90,9%. Tous les deux tests avaient une bonne détection (94,7%) à densité parasitaire ≥ 10000 parasite/ul de sang. La microscopie reste le «Gold Standard» puisque les deux autres tests ne sont pas sensibles à 95% et ne peut pas déterminer la quantité parasitaire.

Mots clés: Plasmodium, microscopie, kits de test rapide, Osogbo, Nigeria, LAUTECH

Article in English.

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Comparison of Rapid Diagnostic Tests and Microscopy for Malaria

Presumptive diagnosis of schistosoma haematobium and Schistosoma mansoni using microscopy as gold standard in a Riverrine community of southwestern Nigeria

AS Nassar, TA Adetoro, WA Adebimpe, MA Muhibi



A cross-sectional study was carried out in Ilie community of Olorunda Local Government Area in Osun state, southwestern Nigeria to comparatively evaluate the presumptive diagnosis of schistosoma infections using microscopy as gold standard. One hundred and thirty seven consented primary school children aged 4 to 15 years were examined for presence of schistosome eggs. The urine samples were analyzed with urinalysis strips for microhaematuria as indicators of presumptive diagnosis for urinary schistosomiasis while fecal samples were analyzed with fecal occult blood test kits for occult blood detection as an indicator of presumptive diagnosis for intestinal schistosomiasis. The indicators of presumptive diagnosis were compared with microscopy examination of urine and stool while sensitivity and specificity of the presumptive diagnostic methods were determined. The results of the prevalence showed that 107(78.1%) had co- infection and overall prevalence of 73.5% and 26.3% recorded for both S. haematobium and S mansoni infection respectively. It was observed that the use of microhaematuria alone had 52% sensitivity and 91.67% specificity while stool occult blood recorded 73.685 and 66.67% for sensitivity and specificity respectively. This study shows that presumptive diagnosis of urinary schistosomiasis is significantly more sensitive  (P<0.05) than intestinal schistosomiasis. Also, various degrees of co- infections were observed across all age groups of study subjects with age group 10- 12 years exhibiting highest co- infection rate 48(13.4); and tendency towards increased transmission and re-infection. Use of these alternatives is recommended in resource limited settings, to be confirmed by gold standard when feasible.

Keywords: Presumptive diagnosis, Schistoma haematobium, Schistoma mansoni, Microscopy, Holoendemic Community.

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Presumptive diagnosis of schistosoma haematobium and Schistosoma mansoni using microscopy as gold standard in a Riverrine community of southwestern Nigeria

PCR Detection of Entamoeba histolytica in Microscopically Positive Stool Samples of Hospital Patients in Soroti, Eastern Uganda

J Ekou, JI Nakavuma, J Erume, M Ocaido



Amoebiasis is an infection caused by water borne protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica. In Uganda where sanitation infrastructure and health education was not adequate, amoebiasis was thought to be still an important health problem. However there was little or no data on prevalence of this very important protozoan infection. In addition, microscopy remained the main method for the diagnosis of amoebiasis but could not differentiate between Entamoeba dispar/moshkovskii and Entamoeba histolytica infections. This made determination of true prevalence of Entamoeba histolytica infections difficult. It was against this background that this study was designed to carry out species specific diagnosis of Entamoeba histolytica and Entamoeba dispar/moshkovskii in Uganda where these species had been reported to be endemic. This study used microscopy and polymerase chain reaction amplification of Serine-rich Entamoeba histolytica (SREHP) gene. It was shown that 36.7% (n=22) of the samples initially diagnosed as positive by microscopy were positive by PCR. The true prevalence of E. histolytica and E.dispar/ moshkovskii was found to be 7.31% and 12.6% respectively. It was concluded that Entamoeba infection in Soroti, Eastern Uganda is more frequently due to E. dispar /moshkovskii (13.3%) the non-pathogenic forms than to E. histolytica, the pathogen (7.31%).

Key words: Entamoeba histolytica, Microscopy, Polymerase chain reaction, Prevalence.

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PCR Detection of Entamoeba histolytica in Microscopically Positive Stool Samples of Hospital Patients in Soroti, Eastern Uganda


Laboratory diagnosis of malaria in children under five years in a rural community: microscopy versus malaria PF test

CP Enwuru, SI Umeh, UM Abasi, RC Egbuobi



The morbidity and mortality associated with malaria in children below 5 years is really worrisome especially in the rural communities with little or no laboratory diagnostic facilities. This study was carried out to compare microscopy with Malaria Pf test for the diagnosis of malaria in a rural community in Ideato North Local Government Area of Imo State. Two hundred and fifty blood smears of children below 5 years were stained with Giemsa and examined microscopically for malaria parasites. Also the Malaria Pf rapid diagnostic test was used to test the same blood samples for malaria antigens. Thirty two per cent of the blood samples were positive for malaria parasite. Compared with microscopy, the sensitivity of the Malaria Pf test was 90.0%, the specificity was 98.2%. The positive predictive value was 96.0% and negative predictive value was 95.4%. The Malaria Pf test is reliable in the parasite based diagnosis of malaria in children under 5 years. We recommend the application of this test for parasitological confirmation of malaria in all places where it is not possible to provide facilities for good quality microscopy especially in the rural communities.


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Laboratory diagnosis of malaria in children under five years in a rural community microscopy versus malaria PF test