*1,2Adeke, A. S., 3Onoh, R. C., 1,2Umeokonkwo, C. D., 1Azuogu, B. N., and 4Ogah, E. O.
1Department of Community Medicine, Alex Ekwueme Federal University Teaching Hospital, Abakaliki, Ebonyi State, Nigeria
2Nigeria Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Program, Abuja, Nigeria
3Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Alex Ekwueme Federal University Teaching Hospital, Abakaliki, Ebonyi State, Nigeria
4Department of Pediatrics, Alex Ekwueme Federal University Teaching Hospital, Abakaliki, Ebonyi State, Nigeria
*Correspondence to: azukaadeke@gmail.com; +2348035285133
Background: With the rise in cases of Lassa fever in recent times in West Africa, the healthcare setting continues to pose significant risk especially among healthcare workers (HCWs) for diseases like Lassa fever that are transmitted via contact with blood and other body fluids. We therefore assessed the knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of infection prevention and control (IPC) one year after an outbreak of nosocomial transmission of Lassa fever in the study hospital. Continue reading “Knowledge, attitude and practice of infection prevention and control among healthcare workers: one year after an outbreak of nosocomial Lassa fever in a tertiary hospital in southeast Nigeria”