In vivo anti-malarial activity of propranolol against experimental Plasmodium berghei ANKA infection in mice

*1Adeyemi, O. I., 1Ige, O. O., 1Akanmu, M. A., and 2Ukponmwan, O. E.

1Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria

2Department of Medical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, College of Health Sciences, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria

*Correspondence to: &


Background: Malaria is a mosquito-borne infectious disease caused by Plasmodium spp, which is widespread in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. The objective of this study is to evaluate in vivo antimalarial activity of propranolol against experimental Plasmodium berghei ANKA (PbA) infection in a mouse model.

Methods: A total of 36 mice weighing between 15 to 18g were randomly divided into six groups of six mice each. Mice in the first group (SAL) were non-infected with P. berghei but received normal saline (control), second group (PbA) were mice infected without treatment (control), third group (PRL) were non-infected mice treated with propranolol at the dose of 7.5 mg/kg/bid, fourth group (PbA+PRL) were mice infected and treated with same dose of propranolol, fifth group (QUN) were non-infected mice treated with quinine at a dose of 20 mg/kg stat, then 10 mg/kg bid, and sixth group (PbA+QUN) were infected mice treated with quinine. Parasitaemia, physiological conditions (cognitive function, temperature) and lethality of infected mice were monitored over 7-day period to assess the antimalarial activity of propranolol and quinine. The Y-maze paradigm was used to assess cognitive impairment induced by PbA infection. The effects of propranolol on malaria indices and cognitive impairment were compared with that of quinine and the control using T-test statistical method.

Results: Mortality of mice at day 7 in the infected group without treatment (PbA) was 100% (6/6) while mortality was 50% (3/6) in infected group treated with propranolol (PbA+PRL) and 33.3% (2/6) in infected group treated with quinine (PbA+QUN) (OR=2.000, p=1.000). No mortality was recorded in any of the three groups of uninfected mice. Propranolol reduced parasitaemia to a trough level of 1.40±0.07 three days after treatment, comparable to trough level of 1.39±0.0633 by quinine but did not reverse PbA-induced hypothermia, which quinine did.

Conclusion: Propranolol demonstrated in vivo antimalarial activity against experimental PbA infection in mice comparable to that of quinine.

Keywords: malaria, propranolol, quinine, Plasmodium, cerebral malaria
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Comparison of Rapid Diagnostic Tests and Microscopy for Malaria

OA Oyeniran, OO Ajayi, AY Afolabi, EK Oladipo, AA Adepeju



Presumptive treatment of malaria results in significant overuse of antimalarials. This study compared the diagnostic accuracy of Histidine Rich Protein II and plasmodium lactate dehydrogenase (pLDH)-based Rapid Kits( RDTs)and using expert microscopy as the gold standard for the detection of falciparum and non-falciparum in 200 individuals suffering from fever episodes over a period 8months in a malaria-endemic area in Osogbo, Osun State. 99(44.5%) of these patients were microscopically parasitaemic with three Plasmodium species identified expect P.ovale. 25 (12.5%) of the study population had temperature < 37.50C at the time of presentation in the clinic among which 16 (64% ) were parasitaemic. Furthermore, 148 (74%) of the study population had fever episode of which 65(44%) were positive for malaria. The sensitivity and specificity of pLDH (Pf) were 84.7% and  78.3% respectively and HRP-2 were 72.7% and 90.9% respectively. Both had high detection (94.7%) at parasite density ≥ 10,000 parasite/`l of blood. Microscopy still remains the ‘Gold Standard’ since both are not 95% sensitive and cannot determine parasites quantification.

Keywords: Plasmodium, Microscopy, Rapid Kits, Osogbo, Nigeria, LAUTECH


Le traitement présomptif de paludisme résulte de l’usage abusif considérable des antipaludiques. Cette étude a pour but de comparer l’efficacité de diagnostic de l’histidine RichProtein II et de test de diagnostic rapide (TDR) à base de kits plasmodium lactate déshydrogénase (pLDH) et en utilisant la microscopie experte comme «gold standard» pour la détection de P. falciparum et non-falciparum chez 200 personnes souffrant d’épisodes de fièvre sur une période de huit mois dans une région où le paludisme est endémique dans Osogbo, l’Etat d’Osun. 99 (44,5%) de ces patients étaient parasitémiques à la microscopie à trois espèces de Plasmodiumidentifiées différentes de P. ovaleattendu. 25 (12,5%) de la population étudiée avait une température <37,5°C au moment de leur arrivée à la clinique parmi lesquels, 16 (64%) étaient parasitémiques. En outre, 148 (74%) de la population d’étude avait un épisode de fièvre dont 65 (44%) étaient positifs pour le paludisme. La sensibilité et la spécificité de pLDH (Pf) étaient respectivement de 84,7% et 78,3% et celles de HRP-2 étaient respectivement de 72,7% et 90,9%. Tous les deux tests avaient une bonne détection (94,7%) à densité parasitaire ≥ 10000 parasite/ul de sang. La microscopie reste le «Gold Standard» puisque les deux autres tests ne sont pas sensibles à 95% et ne peut pas déterminer la quantité parasitaire.

Mots clés: Plasmodium, microscopie, kits de test rapide, Osogbo, Nigeria, LAUTECH

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Comparison of Rapid Diagnostic Tests and Microscopy for Malaria