Phenotypic identification of soil bacterial and fungal communities inhabiting an archaeological monument at Augustine University, Ilara Epe, southwest Nigeria

*Ajayi, A. A., Onipede, G. O., Okafor, B. C., Adepoju, K. A., and Nwabuenu, J. C.
Department of Biological Sciences, Augustine University, Ilara Epe, Lagos State, Nigeria

*Correspondence to:

Background: The Sungbo Eredo Monument is an ancient public work with a system of defensive walls and ditches located in Eredo Local Council Development Area of Epe, Lagos State, southwest Nigeria. A huge section of the monument cuts through the Augustine University campus, forming two-sided vertical walls with a deep ridge in-between. The objective of this investigative study is to determine the microbial profile of soil samples from the monument in the University campus.

Methodology: Soil samples were collected from the topsoil at a depth of 7.5cm from four randomly selected points along the edge of the monument. The samples were transported to the microbiology laboratory of the Department of Biological Sciences of Augustine University for analysis. Samples were cultured on Nutrient agar (NA) and incubated aerobically for 24-48 hours for bacteria isolation and on Sabouraud’s Dextrose agar (SDA) for 72 hours for fungi isolation. Bacterial colonies on NA were preliminarily identified to genus level by Gram reaction and conventional biochemical test scheme for Gram-positive (catalase, coagulase, starch hydrolysis) and Gram-negative isolates (oxidase, urease test, indole, methyl red, Voges Proskauer and sugar fermentation tests). Fungi colonies on SDA were identified using conventional macroscopic and microscopic characteristics. Antibiotic susceptibility test of the bacterial isolates to selected antibiotics was done using the Kirby Bauer disc diffusion method. Continue reading “Phenotypic identification of soil bacterial and fungal communities inhabiting an archaeological monument at Augustine University, Ilara Epe, southwest Nigeria”

The role of Escherichia coli in the etiology of piglet diarrhea in selected pig producing districts of central Uganda

*1Obala, T., 2Arojjo, S. O., 1Afayoa, M., 1Ikwap, K., and 1Erume, J.

1College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Biosecurity, Makerere University, P. O. Box 7062, Kampala, Uganda 2College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Makerere University, P. O. Box 7062, Kampala, Uganda *Correspondence to; +256773884308

Background: Pig production in Uganda is highly constrained by rampant piglet mortalities with diarrhea being a key feature. The present study was conducted to determine possible involvement of Escherichia coli (E. coli) as agents of diarrhea in piglets and elucidate the factors for their spread and virulence, towards development of mitigation strategies in the smallholder pig value chains in Uganda. Continue reading “The role of Escherichia coli in the etiology of piglet diarrhea in selected pig producing districts of central Uganda”

A retrospective study of antibiotic resistance patterns of bacterial pathogens isolated from patients in two Lebanese hospitals for two consecutive years (2018 and 2019)

1Sakr, S., 2Abboud, M., 3Tawbeh, K., 1Hamam, B., and *1Sheet, I.

1Department of Biological and Chemical Sciences, School of Arts and Sciences, Lebanese International University, Lebanon

2Haroun Hospital, Beirut, Lebanon

3Department of Mathematics and Physics, School of Arts and Sciences,
Lebanese International University, Lebanon
*Correspondence to:

Background: Misuse of antibiotics is the leading factor promoting emergence of bacterial resistance, a situation that has become a serious public health challenge. Among the leading bacteria that have developed resistance to antibiotics are Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which have caused infections in patients, resulting in considerable mortality. The objective of this retrospective study was to assess antibiotic resistance rates of bacterial pathogens isolated from clinical specimens in two Lebanese hospitals between the years 2018 and 2019.

Methodology: Bacteria isolated from routine clinical specimens collected from hospitalized patients in two hospitals, Haroun and Bekaa, in Lebanon for 2018 and 2019, were analyzed. Bacteria isolation and identification were carried out at the laboratory of each hospital using conventional microbiological methods. Antimicrobial susceptibility testings (AST) of each bacterial isolate to antibiotics were performed by the disc diffusion test and interpreted using EUCAST, CLSI or WHO/AST guidelines. Comparisons of the mean resistance rates of each isolate to individual antibiotics by year of isolation were done using the Z-test and p< 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Continue reading “A retrospective study of antibiotic resistance patterns of bacterial pathogens isolated from patients in two Lebanese hospitals for two consecutive years (2018 and 2019)”

Prevalence and factors associated with extended-spectrum β-lactamase producing Enterobacteriaceae bacteraemia in University Hospital of Befelatanana, Madagascar

*1Rakotovao-Ravahatra Z. D., 2Randriatsarafara, F. M., 3Rakotovao, A. L., and 3Rasamindrakotroka, A.

1Laboratory of Joseph Raseta Befelatanana, University Hospital, Antananarivo, Madagascar

2Public Health Department, Faculty of Medicine, University of Antananarivo, Madagascar

3Medical Biology Department, Faculty of Medicine, University of Antananarivo, Madagascar *Correspondence to:; +261 34 09 301 20

Background: The extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL) producing Enterobacteriaceae are a major cause of nosocomial bacteraemia. The objectives of this study are to describe the antibiotic resistance pattern of ESBL producing Enterobacteriaceae responsible for bacteraemia and identify factors associated with these infections in a University Hospital in Madagascar. Continue reading “Prevalence and factors associated with extended-spectrum β-lactamase producing Enterobacteriaceae bacteraemia in University Hospital of Befelatanana, Madagascar”

Coagulase negative staphylococci in Anti-Cancer Center, Batna, Algeria: antibiotic resistance pattern, biofilm formation, and detection of mecA and icaAD genes

1*Zatout, A., 2Djibaoui, R., 2Kassah-Laouar, A., and 3Benbrahim, C.
1Laboratory of Microbiology and Plant Biology, Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Life, University of Abdlhamid Ibn Badis, Mostaganem, Algeria
2Central Laboratory of Biology, Anticancer Center of Batna, Algeria
3Laboratory of Microbiology Applied to the Agroalimentary Biomedical and the Environment, Department of Biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Life, University Abou BekrBelkaid, Tlemcen, Algeria
*Correspondence to:

Background: Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) are normal microbial flora found on the skin and mucous membranes of mammals. Considered for a long time as avirulent commensals, these bacteria are now recognized as opportunistic pathogens by virtue of their high resistance to multiple antibiotics and capacity for biofilm formations, which made them important agents of nosocomial and community-acquired infections. The objectives of this study are to determine the antibiotic resistance pattern and biofilm formation, and to detect mecA and icaAD genes in clinical CoNS isolates from Batna’s Anti-Cancer Center (ACC) in Algeria. Methods: A total of 66 CoNS were isolated from different samples and identified by API Staph system. In vitro antibiotic susceptibility testing (AST) of each isolate to selected antibiotics was determined by the disk diffusion method, and minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of oxacillin and vancomycin were determined by E-test. Biofilm formation was assessed by Tissue Culture Plate (TCP) and Congo Red Agar (CRA) methods. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to amplify mecA gene in 9 oxacillin-resistant and 1 oxacillin-sensitive CoNS, and icaAD gene in 9 biofilm forming and 1 non-biofilm forming CoNS. Sequencing of the 16S rDNA of 1 mecA and 1 icaAD positive isolates was performed by the Sanger method. Results: Nine species of CoNS were identified, with Staphylococcus epidermidis (n=29, 44%) and Staphylococcus haemolyticus (n=15, 22.7%) constituting the largest proportion, and isolated mainly from the onco-haematology service unit of the center. The isolates were resistant to penicillin G (98.5%), cefoxitin (80.3%) and oxacillin (72.2%). The TCP method was more sensitive (89.4%) than CRA method (31.8%) in detecting biofilm formation. The mecA gene was detected in 66.7% (6/9) of oxacillin resistant CoNS and the icaAD gene in 55.6% (5/9) of TCP positive CoNS isolates Conclusion: Invitro resistance to methicillin (oxacillin) and biofilm formation were high among the CoNS isolates in this study, but the association of these with respective carriage of mecA and icaAD genes was low.

Keywords: Coagulase negative staphylococci, identification, antibiotic resistance, biofilm, PCR

Received April 26, 2019; Revised October 2, 2019; Accepted October 5, 2019
Copyright 2020 AJCEM Open Access. This article is licensed and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attrition 4.0 International License (//, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided credit is given to the original author(s) and the source.

Staphylocoques à coagulase négative au Centre Anti-Cancer du Batna, Algérie: résistance aux antibiotiques, formation de biofilms et détection des gènes mecA et icaAD

1*Zatout, A., 2Djibaoui, R., 2Kassah-Laouar, A., et 3Benbrahim, C.
1Laboratoire de Microbiologie et Biologie Végétale, Département des Sciences Biologiques, Faculté des Sciences de la Nature et de la Vie, Université Abdlhamid Ibn Badis, Mostaganem, Algérie
2Laboratoire Central de Biologie, Centre Anti-Cancer (ACC), Batna, Algérie
3laboratoire de Microbiologie Appliquée à l’Agroalimentaire au Biomédical et à l’Environnement, Département de Biologie, Faculté des Sciences de la Nature et de la Vie, Université Abou Bekr Belkaid, Tlemcen, Algérie
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Coagulase negative staphylococci in Algeria Afr J. Clin. Exper. Microbiol. 2020; 21 (1): 21-29

Abstrait :

Contexte: Les staphylocoques à coagulase négative (CoNS) sont une flore microbienne normale présente sur la peau et les muqueuses humaines des mammifères. Considérés depuis longtemps comme des commensales avirulentes, ces bactéries sont reconnues comme agents pathogènes opportunistes grâce à leurs multiples propriétés coexistantes de résistance aux antibiotiques et de formation de biofilms qui constituent des agents importants d’infections nosocomiales et communautaires. l’objectif de cette étude est de déterminer la résistance aux antibiotiques, la formation de biofilms et pour rechercher des gènes mecA et icaAD dans les isolats cliniques de staphylocoques à coagulase négative du Centre Anti-Cancer (AAC) de Batna en Algérie. Méthodes: au total de 66 des SCN ont été isolés de différents prélèvements et identifiés par galerie API Staph. Le test de sensibilité aux antibiotiques In vitro de chaque isolat par rapport aux antibiotiques sélectionnés a été déterminé par la méthode de diffusion sur disque, et les concentrations minimales inhibitrices (MICs) de l’oxacilline et de la vancomycine ont été déterminées par E-test. La formation de biofilm a été évaluée par la méthode de culture de tissu en plaque (TCP) et la méthode de Rouge Congo Agar (CRA). La réaction en chaîne par polymérase (PCR) a été utilisée pour amplifier l’ADN du gène mecA dont 9 des SCN résistants à l’oxacilline et 1 sensible à l’oxacilline et le gène icaAD dont 9 des SCN formant biofilm et 1 non-formant biofilm. Le séquençage de l’ADNr 16S des isolats positifs, 1 mecA et 1 icaAD ont été réalisés par la méthode de Sanger. Résultats: Neuf espèces des SCN ont été identifiées avec Staphylococcus epidermidis (n=29, 44%) et Staphylococcus haemolyticus (n=15, 22,7%) constituant la plus grande proportion, et isolées principalement de l’unité de service d’onco-hématologie du centre. Les isolats étaient résistants à la pénicilline G (98,5%), à la céfoxitine (80,3%) et à l’oxacilline (72,2%). La méthode TCP était plus sensible (89,4%) que la méthode CRA (31,8%) dans la détection de la formation de biofilm. Le gène mecA a été détecté dans 66,7% (6/9) des SCN résistants à l’oxacilline et le gène icaAD dans 55,6% (5/9) des isolats positifs des SCN pour CRA. Conclusion: La résistance à la méthicilline (oxacilline) in vitro et la formation de biofilms étaient élevées chez les isolats des SCN de cette étude, mais leur corrélation avec le portage respectif des gènes mecA et icaAD était faible.

Mots-clés: Staphylocoque à coagulase négative, identification, résistance aux antibiotiques, biofilm, PCR

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Coagulase negative staphylococci in Anti-Cancer Center, Batna, Algeria: antibiotic resistance pattern, biofilm formation, and detection of mecA and icaAD genes

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Otitis externa in a tertiary care hospital in Zagazig, Egypt: isolated pathogens and their antibiotic sensitivity patterns

1*Allam, A. A. E., 2Tantawy, A. E. E., 2Mohamed, K. A. E., 3El ghamrey, N. A. M., 1Morad, E. A., and 1El Shafei, M. A. E.

1Medical Microbiology and Immunology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt 2ENT Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt 3ENT specialist, Egypt Ministry of Health and Population *Correspondence to:; +20155777174, +201227989609


Introduction: Recurrent otitis externa is a worldwide problem. This study aims to identify the different aetiological organisms isolated from otitis externa and their sensitivity to different antibiotics. Methods: A total of 27 patients with clinical presentation of otitis externa for a period of three weeks or more were enrolled for the study. Two swab samples collected from each infected ear were cultured for bacterial and fungi, and growth identified using standard microbiological methods including analytical profile index (API) system. Antibiotic susceptibility of isolated bacteria was performed by the disk diffusion technique. Results: Thirty one organisms were isolated from the 27 patients; 12 (38.7%) fungi and 19 (61.3%) bacteria species. Aspergillus spp was the most frequently isolated organism (35.4%) while Pseudomonas aeruginosa was the most frequently isolated bacteria (19.3%), and was most sensitive to amikacin. Four of 11 patients with Aspergillus infection showed clinical resistance to econazole local treatment but had complete clinical response to itraconazole oral treatment.

Conclusion: Otitis externa in Egypt is caused by antibiotic resistant bacteria or fungi, and the most causative organisms are Aspergillus spp and Ps. aeruginosa.

Keywords: Otitis externa, antibiotic resistance, Pseudomonas aeruginosa,

Egypt Received June 25, 2019; Revised September 3, 2019; Accepted September 19, 2019
Copyright 2020 AJCEM Open Access. This article is licensed and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attrition 4.0 International License (//, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided credit is given to the original author(s) and the source.


Otite externe à l’hôpital de soins tertiaires de Zagazig, en Égypte: agents pathogènes isolés et leur profil de sensibilité aux antibiotiques

1*Allam, A. A. E., 2Tantawy, A. E. E., 2Mohamed, K. A. E., 3El ghamrey, N. A. M., 1Morad, E. A., et 1El Shafei, M. A. E. 1Département de microbiologie médicale et d’immunologie, Faculté de médecine, Université de Zagazig, Égypte 2Département d’ORL, Université de Zagazig, Faculté de médecine, Égypte 3spécialiste ENT, Ministère égyptien de la santé et de la population
*Correspondance à; +20155777174, +201227989609

Introduction: L’otite externe récurrente est un problème mondial. Cette étude vise à identifier les différents organismes étiologiques isolés d’une otite externe et leur sensibilité à différents antibiotiques. Méthodes: Un total de 27 patients présentant une présentation clinique de l’otite externe sur une période de trois semaines ou plus ont été inclus dans l’étude. Deux échantillons de prélèvement prélevés sur chaque oreille infectée ont été mis en culture pour détecter la présence de bactéries et de champignons, et leur croissance a été identifiée à l’aide de méthodes microbiologiques standard, notamment d’un système d’indice de profil analytique (API).

sensibilité aux antibiotiques de bactéries isolées a été réalisée par la technique de diffusion sur disque. Résultats: Trente et un organismes ont été isolés parmi les 27 patients; 12 espèces de champignons (38,7%) et 19 espèces de bactéries (61,3%). Aspergillus spp était l’organisme le plus fréquemment isolé (35,4%), tandis que Pseudomonas aeruginosa était la bactérie la plus fréquemment isolée (19,3%) et était la plus sensible à l’amikacine. Quatre des 11 patients infectés par Aspergillus ont présenté une résistance clinique au traitement local à l’éconazole, mais ont présenté une réponse clinique complète au traitement oral à l’itraconazole. Conclusion: L’otite externe en Egypte est causée par une bactérie ou un champignon résistant aux antibiotiques. Les organismes les plus responsables sont Aspergillus spp et Ps. aeruginosa.

La Otitis externa in Egypt Afr. J. Clin. Exper. Microbiol. 2020; 21 (1): 60-65

Mots-clés: otite externe, résistance aux antibiotiques, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Égypte

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Otitis externa in a tertiary care hospital in Zagazig, Egypt: isolated pathogens and their antibiotic sensitivity patterns

Prevalence of Antibiotic-Resistant Strains of Escherichia coli in Drinking Water Samples from Mowe Metropolis, Ogun State, Nigeria

SA Adenodi, NE Oyejide, SO Fayemi, F Ayoade



A measured Escherichia coli level in drinking water is perhaps the most popular means of determining human health risks globally. Water samples from wells, boreholes and sachet water, the 3 predominant sources of drinking water in the study area were evaluated for the presence of bacteria, particularly E coli. Bacteria isolation was done using standard microbiological procedures while identification of isolates was done using cultural, morphological and biochemical characteristics. Enumeration of standard plate count was done by spread plate method on serially diluted water samples. The prevalence of E coli in the water samples and the activities of cefoxitin, fusidic acid, meticillin, penicillin and vancomycin against the E coli isolates and the susceptibility testing data were obtained using Kirby Bauer method. A total of six bacteria species Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus cereus, Klebsiella pneumonia, Staphylococcus aureus, Enterobacter aerogenes were isolated from water samples obtained from borehole, well and sachet water samples in the study area. The mean bacteria counts ranged between 3.74 x 104 to 1.65 x 102 CFU/ml for well and borehole water and 0.81 to 5.1 x 102 CFU/ml for sachet water samples. Out of the 6 E coli strains representing 27.2% of the isolated bacteria species; two, representing 33.3% of the strains
showed moderate to high resistance against meticillin. These findings are expected to motivate public health stakeholders in the study location to attempt reducing the growing resistance of pathogenic bacteria in the environment, and their ecotoxic effects.

Key words: antibiotic resistance, meticillin, water quality, E. coli


Un niveau d’Escherichia coli mesurées dans l’eau potable est peut-être le moyen le plus populaire de la détermination des risques pour la santé humaine à l’échelle mondiale. Des échantillons d’eau de puits, de forages et de l’eau de sachet, les trois principales sources d’eau potable dans la zone d’étude ont été évalués pour la présence de bactéries, en particulier E. coli. L’isolement de bactéries a été effectué en utilisant des procédures microbiologiques standard tandis que l’identification des isolats a été effectuée à l’aide des caractéristiques culturelles, morphologiques et biochimiques. Énumération de nombre de plaque standard a été effectuée par la méthode de la plaque de propagation sur des échantillons d’eau dilués en série. La prévalence de E. coli dans les échantillons d’eau et les activités de la céfoxitine, l’acide fusidique, la méticilline, la pénicilline et
de la vancomycine contre les isolats de E. coli et les données de tests de sensibilité ont été obtenus en utilisant la méthode de Kirby Bauer. Un total de six espèces de bactéries :Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus cereus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus,  Enterobacter aerogenes ont été isolés à partir d’échantillons d’eau provenant de puits, de forage et des échantillons d’eau de sachet dans la zone d’étude. Les bactéries, les valeurs moyennes se situaient entre 3,74 x 104 à 1,65 x 102 UFC / ml pour le bien et l’eau de forage et de 0,81 à 5,1 x 102 UFC / ml pour les échantillons d’eau de sachet. Sur les 6 souches d’E.coli représentant 27,2% des espèces de bactéries isolées ; deux (33,3 %) des souches ont montré une résistance modéré à haute à la pénicilline. Ces résultats devraient inciter les intervenants en santé publique dans le lieu de l’étude de tenter de réduire la résistance croissante des bactéries  pathogènes dans l’environnement et leurs effets écotoxiques.

Mots clés: Résistance aux antibiotiques, pénicilline, qualité l’eau, E. coli.

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Prevalence of Antibiotic-Resistant Strains of Escherichia coli in Drinking Water Samples from Mowe Metropolis, Ogun State, Nigeria