Evaluation of serum concentration of essential trace elements during therapy among tuberculosis patients in Uyo, Nigeria

*[1]Umo, A. N., [2]Umoh, S. G., 2Jimmy, N. F., and 2Adie, S. A.

1Department of Medical Laboratory Science, College of Health Sciences, University of Uyo, Nigeria

2Department of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology, Faculty of Basic Clinical Sciences, University of Uyo, Nigeria

*Correspondence to: anthonyumo@uniuyo.edu.ng


Background: Nutritional status is one of the most important determinants of immune response to infection. The objective of this study was to assess the serum concentrations of selected trace elements in selected patients on anti-tuberculosis (TB) therapy in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria Continue reading “Evaluation of serum concentration of essential trace elements during therapy among tuberculosis patients in Uyo, Nigeria”