*1Rakotovao-Ravahatra, Z. D., 2Razanadrakoto, I. I., 2Rafaramalala, S. S., 3Rakotovao, A. L., and 3Rasamindrakotroka, A.
1Laboratory of Joseph Raseta Befelatanana, University Hospital, Antananarivo, Madagascar
2Malagasy Medical Analysis Laboratory, Androhibe, Antananarivo, Madagascar
3Medical Biology Department, Faculty of Medicine, University of Antananarivo, Madagascar
*Correspondence to: ravahatradomoina@yahoo.fr; +261 34 09 301 20
Background: Vaginitis is common in women. The present study aims to identify the factors associated with aerobic vaginitis (AV) in women and evaluate the antibiotic resistance of bacteria responsible for this vaginitis.
Methodology: This was a retrospective cross-sectional study of 840 patients and analysis of the results of their cytobacteriological examinations of cervicovaginal samples from January 01, 2020 to December 31, 2022 at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Joseph Raseta Befelatanana (CHUJRB) laboratory, Antananarivo, Mada- gascar. Continue reading “Aerobic vaginitis in women seen at the laboratory of the university hospital of Befelatanana, Antananarivo, Madagascar”