Public health practices at meat pie retail points in Makurdi, Benue State and its potential effect on consumer’s health

G.A. Obande, E.U. Umeh, E.T. Azua, C. Aleruchi, P. Adikwu



Observance of public health best practices at point of sales by meat pie retailers in Makurdi, Benue State was evaluated by studying three (3) retail sources namely eateries, supermarkets and street hawkers. Observations were carried out ninety (90) times between March to July 2013. The neatness of the vendor, sales  environment, and state of the product storage containers were assessed.  Microbiological analysis revealed the presence of Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus spp, Enterobacter spp, Proteus spp, Pseudomonas spp, Citrobacter spp, Edwardsiella spp, Bacillus spp, Klebsiella spp and Shigella spp. There was a positive relationship between multiple bacterial contamination and the constituents of the meat pie fillings. A total of 64 (35.6%) fillings had between 3 – 7 bacterial contaminants, 57 (31.7%) had at least 2 bacterial contaminants, 58 (32.2%) had at least 1 contaminant while only 1 (0.6%) was without any bacterial contaminant. Only 5(5.6 %) of the vendors and 10(11.1%) of the sales environment were very neat, while 23(25.6%) and 22(24.4%) of the storage containers were observed to be partially accessible to air/dust and insects respectively. None of the vendors (90:100%) used hand gloves, none (90:100%) used an apron, 89 (98.9%) used no cutlery and 89 (98%) had uncovered hair while serving the product. The paper submits that the health of consumers is endangered by this negligence. Hence, the need for regulatory authorities to create awareness on, as well as enforce the observance of established point of sales practices for the sake of the public health.

Keywords: Public, health, meat pie, fillings, negligence, contamination.

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Public health practices at meat pie retail points in Makurdi, Benue State and its potential effect on consumer’s health

Pattern of bacterial pathogens of acute Otitis media in a tertiary hospital, South Western Nigeria

S.A. Fayemiwo, R.A. Ayoade, Y.O. Adesiji, S.S. Taiwo



Introduction: Otitis media was reasonably prevalent prior to the use of antibiotics for treatment. In Nigeria, hospital incidence reports indicate that chronic suppurative Otitis media is the commonest. Complications that usually arise as a result of untreated Otitis media are meningitis, brain abscess, keratoma, otosclerosis, and hearing loss. The study aimed at providing information on the pattern of bacterial pathogens of acute Otitis media in LAUTECH Teaching hospital, Osogbo, Nigeria.

Methods: It was a cross-sectional study involving patients with acute Otitis media attending ENT clinic at LAUTECH Teaching Hospital, Osogbo, Nigeria. Ear swabs were collected from the patients after informed consent. The samples were inoculated on general and selective laboratory media. Bacterial pathogens were isolated and identified. Antibiotic susceptibility testing was performed on each of the bacterial isolates using modified Kirby Bauer disk diffusion.

Results: There were 115 isolates from 98 patients with acute Otitis media. Gram negative bacteria constituted 66.7% of the isolates. The most common organism was Pseudomonas aeruginosa (34.8%). Others were Staphylococcus aureus (30.4%), Proteus spp (15.7%), Klebsiella spp (11.3%), Escherichia coli (2.6%) and few Fungi (4.1%). Antibiotics sensitivity results of the isolates showed high resistance against most readily available antibiotics. The cumulative resistance of all the bacteria isolates to Augmentin was 89%, gentamicin 80%, ciprofloxacin 34% and ceftazidime 10%. About 88% of the Gram positive bacteria were resistant to penicillin G, amoxicillin, cotrimoxazole, and erythromycin. While 100% of the Gram negative bacteria were resistant to cotrimoxazole, tetracycline, and chloramphenicol. However, commonly isolated organisms were highly susceptible to few 3rd-generation cephalosporins especially ceftriaxone and ceftazidime.

Conclusion: Based on the result of this study, it is suggested that knowledge of antibiotic profile of etiological agents in Otitis media would be of great advantage in reducing the morbidity and mortality associated with Otitis media.

Keywords: Otitis media, Bacterial agents, Antibiotic resistance

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Pattern of bacterial pathogens of acute Otitis media in a tertiary hospital, South Western Nigeria

The etiology and antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of urinary tract infections at a private Nigerian teaching hospital in South West Nigeria

C.J. Elikwu, E.O. Shobowale, O.Y. Oluyemi, D.O. Afolabi, D.A. Aderinto, K.I. Onyedibe, A.U. Solarin



Background: Urinary tract infections (UTI’s) are among the commonest bacterial infectious disease in clinical practice with a wide range of etiologic agents. It frequently occurs in both the hospital and the community.

Aims/Objectives: To determine the etiology of UTI at BUTH and obtain data on their susceptibility and resistance patterns.

Methods: This was a prospective analysis of data on patients with UTI obtained from in and outpatients over a six month period. Samples had been obtained by clean catch mid-stream urine or suprapubic aspiration. The organisms had been
identified by biochemical methods with susceptibility and resistance testing performed. Data analysis was with EPI-INFO version 3.5.1

Results: There were a total of 200 urine samples that had positive growth. Prevalent organisms were Escherichia coli (48%) and Klebsiella spp (24%), followed by Staphylococcus aureus (10%) and Coagulase Negative Staphylococci (6.5%). The risk factors for UTI were female gender (p = 0.00), Diabetes mellitus (p = 0.03) and genitourinary surgery (p = 0.04). Effective antibiotics in-vitro to Escherichia coli were Nitrofurantoin and Cefepime at 84.8% and 92.3% respectively; while Cotrimoxazole performed poorly (32.5% susceptibility).

Conclusion: Urinary tract infections are an important cause of morbidity in our environment and inaccuracies in diagnosis will prolong morbidity and may lead to costly and unsafe treatments.The prevalent pathogens in our environment are the Gram negative bacilli, Escherichia coli andKlebsiella pneumoneae. Nitrofurantoin retains efficacy to both urinary pathogens.

Keywords: Urinary Tract Infection, Catheterization, Escherichia coli, Risk factors, Nitrofurantoin

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The etiology and antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of urinary tract infections at a private Nigerian teaching hospital in South West Nigeria

Epidemiologic characteristics of Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates in ventilator-associated pneumonia in intensive care units

A.A. El Sharkawy, M.A. Mansour, H.M. Helmy, D.M. Abd El Azeem



Klebsiella pneumoniae is a common pathogen that causes ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP) in intensive care units (ICUs). Strain typing is a useful tool in tracking the spread of these infections. Primary objective was to study different strains causing VAP in Anesthesia ICUs. Secondary objective was to determine role of health-care workers (HCWs) and ICU environment in the transmission of these strains. Endotracheal aspirates of 60 VAP patients, surveillance samples from the HCWs (18 )and the ICU environment (193)were collected. Antibiogram typing and enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus-polymerase chain reaction (ERIC-PCR) were used for comparison of the isolates from VAP patients and surveillance samples. Antibiogram showed 5 antibiotic susceptibility patterns that were designated A1-A5. ERIC-PCR yielded 1 to 5 amplification bands. All the isolates were typable by ERIC-PCR. Eight ERIC patterns were obtained ERIC(I)-ERIC(VIII). ERIC-PCR typing method gave higher discriminatory index (D) (0.7557) than antibiogram (0.6035). There was sharing of certain ERIC patterns among patient and HCWs or environmental sources. In Conclusion: K.pneumoniae is the most dominant pathogen in anesthesia ICUs. Throats and hands of HCWs are possible sources of pathogen transmission to patients. Surfaces with hand contact of the medical staff are often contaminated and may serve as vectors for cross transmission.

Keywords: Ventilator-associated pneumonia, ICU environment, health-care workers, Klebsiella pneumoniae, antibiogram typing, ERIC-PCR

Epidemiologic characteristics of Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates in ventilator-associated pneumonia in intensive care units


In vitro and in vivo antimicrobial activity of partially purified enterocin produced by Enterococcus faecalis and its application in wound healing

O.M. David, M.O. Alese, D.M. Komolafe, I.J. Adejare, O.O. Alese, A.E. Omonisi



Background: The recent global upsurge in antibiotic resistance among bacteria associated with wounds has contributed to high treatment failures in wound management. Enterocin are produced by enterococci and has been reported to inhibit the growth of many bacteria including those associated with wound infections.

Objectives: In this study, antibacterial and physico-chemical properties of partially purified enterocin (PPE) from Enterococcus faecalis was determined. Also, the possible application of the enterocin in wound management was evaluated.

Materials and Methods: Eight different enterocin were tested and that with highest antibacterial (E3) was partially purified using standard methods. The molecular weight of the PPE was determined by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis after which the in vitro anti-Staphylococcus aureus potential of the PPE was determined.

Results: Enterocin (E3) was effective against Staphylococcus aureusKlebsiella pneumoniae, Enterobacter cloacaListeria monocytogenes and Proteus vulgaris. The activity of the E3 was very prominent at pH of 4 and 8. The molecular size of the isolated enterocin was 5.5 KDa. The photomicrograph of the skin tissue of the skin treated with partially purified enterocin for day 7showed epidermis covered by atrophic stratified squamous epithelium. A synergistic interaction was noticed when Eusol was used with the enterocin.

Conclusions: From this study, enterocin from E. faecalis has a low molecular weight and inhibited bacteria isolates from wound and also aids physiological healing of wound.The antibacterial potency of this bacteriocin indicates that it is an alternative therapeutic agent that can be employed in wound care and management.

Keywords: Enterocin, Enterococcus faecalis, wounds, bacteriocin, Staphylococcus aureus, skin

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In vitro and in vivo antimicrobial activity of partially purified enterocin produced by Enterococcus faecalis and its application in wound healing

Ebola Virus Diseases

A Elisha, B Adegboro



Since the first reported outbreak of Ebola in 1976, there have been approximately 25 outbreaks all of which, except two, have been reported only in east and central Africa. The current outbreak and a single case reported in 1994 in Ivory Coast are the only two outbreaks in West Africa (7). However, the current outbreak, which stared in Guinea (Bissau) in March 2014, remains the deadliest today and the epidemic is still ongoing. New cases are reported daily, particularly in Liberia. This outbreak is unprecedented in many ways. It is the most persisting, lasting more than five months. The spread is across nations and has the largest number of victims. Close to 1500 individuals are dead and very close to 3000 people are infected. More doctors and nurses and other health care workers are infected when compared with previous outbreaks. Over 240 healthcare workers are infected with more than 120 deaths (7). This outbreak also has the least fatality when compared to previous outbreaks. So far, 47% of those infected survive the disease. This work outlines the previous outbreaks and gives a brief  summary of current knowledge about EVD.


Depuis le premier cas d’épidémie rapporté en 1976, il y a eu environ 25 foyers épidémiques tous, excepté deux, ont été signalés seulement en Afrique orientale et centrale. L’épidémie actuelle et un seul cas rapporté en 1994 en Côte d’Ivoire sont les deux seuls foyers épidémiques d’Afrique de l’Ouest.Cependant, l’épidémie actuelle reste la plus meurtrière à ce jour et l’épidémie est toujours en cours. Des nouveaux cas sont signalés chaque jour, particulièrement au Libéria. Cette épidémie est sans précédent à bien des égards. Elle est la plus persistante, durant plus de cinq mois. La propagation est entre les nations et a le plus grand nombre de victimes. Près de 1500 personnes sont mortes et près de 3000 personnes infectées. Plusieurs médecins et  infirmiers et autres travailleurs de santé sont infectés par rapport aux épidémiesprécédentes. Plus de 240 travailleurs de santé sont infectés avec plus de 120 décès. Cette épidémie a également le moins de décès par rapport aux épidémies précédentes. Jusqu’à présent, 47% de personnes infectées survivent à la maladie. Ce travail présente les épidémies précédentes et donne un bref résumé des connaissances actuelles sur les infections de virus d’Ebola.

Article in English.

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Ebola Virus Diseases


Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) provides a superior tool for the diagnosis of Pneumococcal Infection in Burkina Faso

Y Chaibou, M Congo/Ouedraogo, I Sanou, H Somlare, K Ouattara, CM Kienou, H Belem, E Sampo, SA Traore, R Traore/Ouedraogo, C Hatcher, L Mayer, X Wang, L Sangare



Purpose of study: The aim of this study was to determine the value of real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (rt-PCR) in the routine surveillance of pneumococcal meningitis in Burkina Faso, compared to standard methods of culture, Gram stain and latex agglutination assay.
Materiel and methods: A total of 385 specimens of cerebrospinal fluid were analyzed by the three standard bacteriological methods (Gram stain, latex agglutination assay, and culture) and real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction.
Results: Of 385 specimens analyzed by these methods, 204 S. pneumoniae were detected by one or more  methods. Gram stain detected 36.4% (140/385) Gram positive encapsulated diplococci; 37.7% (145/385) and 20.8% (80/385) of the specimens were positive for pneumococci by latex agglutination assay and culture. These specimens were tested with rt-PCR, which confirmed 51.2% (197/385) S. pneumoniae positive. The sensitivity and specificity of culture were 54.4% and 31.5%, respectively, and the sensitivity and specificity of rt-PCR were 96.6% and 100%, respectively. These results showed that rt-PCR was more sensitive than Gram stain (p=0.0235), latex agglutination assay (p=0.0442)and culture (p=0.0006).The culture is the gold standard method; however, the result showed that rt-PCR had specificity and was as specific as Gram stain (p=0.3405) and latex agglutination assay (p=0.7745).
Conclusion: rt-PCR was highly sensitive and specific. It could be used as a complementary diagnostic tool to  mprove case confirmation of bacterial meningitis. However,its high cost, the qualification of the technical staff and infrastructures required for its implementation, constitute obstacles to its widened use in countries with limited resources.

Keywords: Streptococcus pneumoniae, meningitis, rt-PCR, standard bacteriological methods


Objectif: Le but de cette étude était de déterminer la place de la rt-PCR dans la surveillance de routine de
méningitespneumococciquesau Burkina Faso et la comparée avec les méthodes de la bactériologie classique: Culture, coloration de Gram et l’agglutination au latex.
Matériel etméthodes: Au total, 385 échantillons deliquides céphalorachidiens (LCR)étaient analysés par les trois méthodes de la bactériologie classique (coloration de Gram, agglutination au latex, culture) et la PCR en temps réel.

RESULTATS: Parmi 385 échantillons analysés, 204 cas de Streptococcuspneumoniae étaient détectés par une ou plusieurs méthodes. La coloration de Gram adétecté 36,4% (140/385) diplocoques encapsulés à Gram positif (DGP); 37,7% (145/385) et 20,8% (80/385) d’échantillons étaient positifs aux pneumocoques par l’agglutination au latex et la culture. Ces échantillons étaient aussi testés par rt-PCR qui a confirmé 51,2% (197/385) cas positifs de S. pneumoniae. La sensibilité et la spécificité de la culture étaient respectivement de 54,4% et 31,5%, et la sensibilité et la spécificité de rt-PCR étaient respectivement de 96,6% et 100%. Ces résultats ont montré que la rt-PCR était plus sensible que la coloration de Gram (p=0,0235), l’agglutination au latex (p=0,0442) et la  culture(p=0,0006).La culture est une méthode de référence; cependant, le résultat a montré que rt-PCR était plus sensibleet aussi spécifique que la coloration de Gram ((p=0,3405)et l’agglutination au latex (p=0,7745).
Conclusion : :rt-PCR était plus sensible et plus spécifique. Elle pourrait être utilisée comme un outil de diagnostic
complémentaire pour améliorer les cas de confirmation de méningites bactériennes. Cependant, ces coûts de réalisation, la qualification de techniciens et les matériels pour son application constituent des obstacles pour sa vulgarisation dans les pays à ressources limités.

Keywords: Streptococcus pneumoniae, méningites, rt-PCR, méthodes de la bactériologie classique

Article in English.

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Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) provides a superior tool for the diagnosis of Pneumococcal Infection in Burkina Faso



Incidence and Distribution of Multi-Drug Resistant Pathogens from Clinical Samples in a Tertiary Hospital in South-South Nigeria

O Iyoha, MY Tula



Antibiotics have proven to be a dynamic category of drugs in the fight against infectious bacteria. However, antibiotic
resistance is one of the greatest current challenges to the effective treatment of infections and there is every indication that
antibiotic resistance will become an even greater challenge in the future.
Ten clinical samples with varying frequencies were analyzed for bacterial growth, antibiotic susceptibility testing and
multiple antibiotic resistances. The clinical samples includes; urine (42%), wound swab (21.33%), blood (10%), ear swab
(9.33%), catheter tip (5.33%), endocervical swab (4.67%), high vaginal swab (HVS) (2.67%), urethral swab (2.67%), pus
(1.33%) and antral aspirate (0.67%).
A total of 150 bacterial isolates distributed among these ten (10) clinical samples were identified, of which Staphylococcus
aureus (30%) was the most predominant, while Klebsiella oxytocaCitrobacter spp. and Streptococcus spp. were the least
(0.67%). These were tested for sensitivity against 9 antibiotics. The resistance rate observed was as follows; cefuroxime
(93%), ceftazidime (87%), gentamycin (79%), augmentin (70%), cloxacillin (67%), ofloxacin (54%), ciprofloxacin (51%),
ceftriaxone (38%) and ocefix (34%). One hundred and forty-three (95.3%) of the isolates showed multiple resistance against
3 – 8 antibiotics. None was resistant to as few as 1 – 2 antibiotics.
The high susceptibility to some antibiotics such as ceftriaxone and ocefix could be a welcoming relief, since they can be
used to address the problem of resistance in this area. There is need for nationwide surveillance programme to monitor
microbial trends and antimicrobial resistance patterns in Nigeria.

Key words: multi-drug resistant, clinical samples, Staphylococcus aureus, ocefix.


Les antibiotiques se sont démontrés être une catégorie dynamique des médicaments pour lutter contre les infections
bactériennes. Cependant, la résistance aux antibiotiques est l’un des grands défis actuels pour le traitement efficace des
infections et tout porte à croire que la résistance aux antibiotiques devient un défi encore plus grand à l’avenir.
Dix échantillons cliniques avec leurs grandes fréquences ont été analysés par la culture bactériennes, le teste de sensibilité
aux antibiotiques et le teste de la multirésistance aux antibiotiques. Les échantillons cliniques sont constitués de l’urine
(42%), de pus de la plaie (21,33%), de sang (10%), de prélèvement d’oreille (9,33%), d’extrémité du cathéter (5,33%), de
prélèvement d’endocervical (4,67%), de prélèvement vaginal (2,67%), de prélèvement urétral (2,67%), de pus (1,33%), de
Au total, 150 souches bactériennes réparties parmi les dix (10) échantillons cliniques ont été identifiées, parmi lesquelles
Staphylococcus aureus (30%) était le plus prédominant, alors que Klebsiellaoxytoca,Citrobacter spp et Streptococcus spp
étaient les moindres (0,67%). Ils ont été testés pour la sensibilité de 9 antibiotiques. Le taux de résistance observé était le suivant: céfuroxime (93%), ceftazidime (87%), gentamicine (79%), augmentin (70%), cloxacilline (67%), ofloxacine (54%),
ciprofloxacine (51%), ceftriaxone (38%) etocefix (34%). Cent-quarante-trois (95,3%) d’isolats ont montré la multi-résistance
contre 3 à 8 antibiotiques. Aucune souche n’a été résistante à moins de 1 à 2 antibiotiques.
La forte sensibilité de certains antibiotiques tels que la ceftriaxone et l’ocefix pourraient être un ouf de soulagement, car ils
peuvent être utilisés pour résoudre le problème de la résistance dans cette région. Il est nécessaire pour le programme
national de surveillance pour suivre les tendances microbiennes et les situations de résistance aux antimicrobiens au

Mots clés: multi-résistance aux antibiotiques, échantillons cliniques, Staphylococcus aureus, ocefix.

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Incidence and Distribution of Multi-Drug Resistant Pathogens from Clinical Samples in a Tertiary Hospital in South-South Nigeria.

Microbiological Profile of Oral Infections in Diabetic Patients and Non-Diabetic Controls in SouthWest, Cameroon

MEA Bissong, PN Fon, FHL Kamga, TN Akenji



Background: Oral microbial flora is increasingly being incriminated in oral infections. There is paucity of information on the importance of aerobic oral flora in diabetes. The purpose of this study was to compare aerobic oral microbial flora in diabetics and non-diabetics and to relate these microbes with oral infections.
Materials and Methods: This study involved 154 diabetics and 111 non-diabetics aged 18 years and above. Oral washes were inoculated unto blood agar, chocolate agar, Mac Conkey agar and Sabouraud’s agar and isolates were identified by standard biochemical tests. Oral exam was conducted by a Dentist to assess oral infections and oral health status of participants.
Results: Thirteen different genera of aerobic microbes were identified. The most prevalent microbes were Streptococcus sp (99.6 %), Candida albicans (17.0 %), Serratia Spp (7.2 %), other Candida Spp (6.8 %), Coagulase negative Staphylococci (CNS) (6.4 %) and Klebsiella Spp (5.7 %). Candida sp was more prevalent in diabetic patients than non-diabetics. Gram negative aerobic bacteria were significantly isolated from cases of dental  caries.
Conclusion: The oral microbiological profile of diabetic patients was different from those of non-diabetics and aerobic Gram negative bacteria may play an important role in dental diseases in diabetic patients.

Keywords: Oral microbiological profile; oral infections; diabetes; Cameroon


Contexte: La flore microbienne orale est de plus en plus incriminée dans les infections buccales. Il existe peu d’informations sur l’importance de la flore buccale aérobie chez les diabétiques. Le but de cette étude était de comparer la flore microbienne aérobie orale chez les diabétiques et les non diabétiques et de déterminer le lien que ces germes ont avec les infections buccales.
Matériels et méthodes: Cette étude a porté sur 154 diabétiques et 111 non-diabétiques âgés de 18 ans et plus. Le liquide de lavage buccal a été inoculé sur des géloses au sang, au chocolat, de Mac Conkey et de Sabouraud respectivement, et les souches bactériennes ont été identifiées par des tests biochimiques standards. L’examen oral a été mené par un dentiste afin d’évaluer les infections buccales et l’état de santé bucco-dentaire des participants.
Résultats: Treize genre différents de microorganismes aérobies ont été identifiés. Les microbes les plus répandus étaient Streptococcus sp (99,6%), Candida albicans (17,0%), Serratia spp (7,2%), les autres espèces de Candida (6,8%), les staphylocoques à coagulase négative (SCN) (6,4%) et Klebsiella spp (5,7%). Candida spp était plus fréquent chez les patients diabétiques que chez les non-diabétiques. Les bactéries Gram négatives aérobies ont été considérablement isolées des cas de caries dentaires.
Conclusion: Le profil microbiologique oral des patients diabétiques était différent de ceux des non- diabétiques. Les bactéries Gram négatif aérobies peuvent jouer un rôle important dans les maladies dentaires chez les patients diabétiques.

Mots-clés: Profil microbiologique orale; infections buccales; diabète; Cameroun

Article in English.

Microbiological Profile of Oral Infections in Diabetic Patients and Non-Diabetic Controls in SouthWest, Cameroon

Prevalence of Tuberculosis among patients attending two Secondary Hospitals in Abeokuta Ogun State

TI Babajide, VU Nwadike, DA Ojo, OA Onasanya, KC Ojide, IE Kula



This study was conducted to examine the rate of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection among individuals attending
the outpatient clinic of two hospitals in Abeokuta Metropolis in Southwestern Nigeria. Of the 132 individuals examined, the overall rate of tuberculosis infection was 16.7%. Infection was highest among patients in the 21-40 year age group (11.4%). Results also showed that 10.6% of male patients were infected with tuberculosis and 6.1% of female patients infected with tuberculosis. There was no significant difference between the sex and Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. There was also no significant difference between age-groups and Mycobacterium tuberculosisinfection. But there was a significant difference between the ESR and tuberculosis infection.


Cette étude a été menée afin d’examiner le taux d’infections à Mycobacteriumtuberculosi schez les individus suivis à la clinique externe de deux hôpitaux de métropole de Abeokuta au Sud-ouest du Nigéria. Sur les 132 individus examinés, le taux global d’infection de la tuberculose était de 16,7%. L’infection était plus élevée chez les patients âgés de 21-40 ans (11,4%). Les résultats ont également montré que 10,6% des patients de sexe masculin ont été infectés par la tuberculose et 6,1% des patientes infectées par la tuberculose. Il n’y avait pas de différence significative entre le sexe et l’infection à Mycobacteriumtuberculosis. Il n’y avait pas de différence significative entre les groupes d’âge et l’infection à Mycobacteriumtuberculosis. Mais il y avait une différence significative entre l’ESR et la tuberculose.

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Prevalence of Tuberculosis among patients attending two Secondary Hospitals in Abeokuta Ogun State.