ESβL, AmpC and carbapenemase co-production in multi-drug resistant Gram-negative bacteria from HIV-infected patients in southwestern Nigeria

*Adeyemi, F. M., and Akinde, S. B.
Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Basic and Applied Sciences, Osun State University, Osogbo, Nigeria *Correspondence to:; +234 803 494 0747

Background: The rising global emergence of Gram-negative bacteria (GNB) producing β-lactam hydrolysing enzymes in clinical infections constitutes a growing public health threat. This study investigated the occurrence of co-production of extended spectrum β-lactamase (ESβL), AmpC β-lactamases, and carbapenemases among GNB isolated from HIV-infected patients in two tertiary healthcare facilities in southwest Nigeria. Continue reading “ESβL, AmpC and carbapenemase co-production in multi-drug resistant Gram-negative bacteria from HIV-infected patients in southwestern Nigeria”

Long term outcomes of highly active antiretroviral therapy in HIV infected Nigerians and those co-infected with hepatitis B and C viruses

*1Okwuraiwe, A. P., 1Audu, R. A., 1Ige, F. A., 1Salu, O. B., 1Onwuamah, C. K., & 2Musa, A. Z.

1Centre for Human Virology and Genomics, Nigerian Institute of Medical Research, Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria 2Clinical Sciences Division, Nigerian Institute of Medical Research, Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria *Correspondence to:;; +2347039303050

Background: HIV co-infection with hepatitis B (HBV) and/or hepatitis C virus (HCV) is common, largely due to shared routes of transmission, but paucity of data exists for long term treatment outcomes of HIV infected patients, and those co-infected with HBV and HCV despite the high burden in Nigeria. The aim of study was to describe the long-term treatment outcomes in HIV infected Nigerians and to assess the effect of HBV and HCV co-infections on long-term response to antiretroviral therapy (ART). Continue reading “Long term outcomes of highly active antiretroviral therapy in HIV infected Nigerians and those co-infected with hepatitis B and C viruses”

Positivity yield of HIV index testing services from selected healthcare facilities in Ondo State, southwest Nigeria

Emeh, A., *Usman, S. O., Adebanjo, A. M., Ogboghodo, E., Akinbinu, B., Suraju, A., Udechukwu, C., Ale, J., Ariyo, A., Owolagba, F. E., Jolayemi, T., and Okonkwo, P.

APIN Public Health Initiatives, Abuja, Nigeria *Correspondence to:

Abstract: Background: Index testing is a voluntary process whereby HIV seropositive clients are counselled and, after obtaining consent, their sexual and needle sharing partners are offered HIV testing services. Index testing has been associated with high HIV positivity yield. The aim of this study is to determine the positivity yield and identify factors influencing the yield from index testing strategy in selected healthcare facilities in Ondo State, southwest Nigeria. Continue reading “Positivity yield of HIV index testing services from selected healthcare facilities in Ondo State, southwest Nigeria”

Effects of highly active antiretroviral treatment on liver and renal functions of HIV-infected patients attending the day care clinic of the Bamenda Regional Hospital, Cameroon

*1Samje, M., 2Youego, E. K. J., 2Kefeyin, T. W., and 3Lukong, H.
1Department of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Bamenda, P. O. Box 39, Bambili, Republic of Cameroon
2Department Medical Laboratory Sciences, University of Bamenda, Cameroon
3Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences, Kesmonds International University, Cameroon *Correspondence to:; +237677679112


Background: Though the development of antiretroviral therapy has brought some relief to the menace of HIV infections, the side effects and toxicity of these drugs can still present a major challenge to users, thus leading to a switch or discontinuation of treatment. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of antiretroviral treatment on some biochemical markers of liver and renal functions among HIV-infected patients receiving treatment at the Day Care Clinic of the Regional Hospital, Bamenda, Cameroon

Methodology: A case control study design comprising 100 HIV-infected patients on highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) and 100 HIV-negative controls was conducted from February to May 2019. The serum activity of aspartate amino transferase (AST) and alanine amino transferase (ALT), and serum creatinine levels for each group were measured using BIOSMART 240 autoanalyzer. The estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) was calculated using the Cockcroft-Gault formula while proteinuria was determined with the CYBOW 11M strips. Data were analyzed using IBM SPSS version 21.0. Differences in the serum activity and levels of the biomarkers between the case and control groups were analyzed using the Chi-square test

Results: The prevalence of transaminitis (AST and ALT >40.0 U/L) among HAART-treated participants was 26.0% for AST and 20% for ALT while that of HIV-negative controls were 15% and 12% respectively but the difference was not statistically significant (p>0.05). Elevated serum creatinine level (>1.4 mg/dL) was seen in 25% of HAART-treated group compared to 7% in HIV-negative control (p=0.0010) while renal impairment (eGFR<60 ml/min/1.73m2) was seen in 24% of HAART-treated and 14% of HIV-negative group (p=0.1048). Elevated activity of transaminases and levels of creatinine, proteinuria and abnormal eGFR in HAART-treated patients were mostly seen in those who were on first line antiretroviral therapy, and those who have been on treatment for over 5 years.

Conclusion: HAART is associated with transaminitis and elevated serum creatinine but no increase in renal impairment compared to the general population. It is important that following initiation of HAART, liver and kidney functions are regularly monitored.

Keywords: HIV; HAART; AST; ALT; eGFR Continue reading “Effects of highly active antiretroviral treatment on liver and renal functions of HIV-infected patients attending the day care clinic of the Bamenda Regional Hospital, Cameroon”

Bacteria urinary tract infection in HIV-infected children and adolescents in Abuja, Nigeria: a cross-sectional study

  1. 1Okechukwu, A. A., and 2Thairu, Y. Departments of 1Paediatrics and 2Microbiology, University of Abuja Teaching Hospital, Gwagwalada, Abuja, Nigeria
    Correspondence to:; +2348036719906


Background: Urinary tract infection (UTI) remains the second commonest opportunistic infections among HIV infected children. This study was conducted to determine the prevalence and causative bacteria of UTI in HIV infected children and adolescents on antiretroviral medications in our health institution. Method: The study was a cross sectional design conducted between October 2017 and March 2018 among HIV infected children and adolescents aged 2 months to 18 years on follow up attendance at the Paediatric Outpatient Special Treatment Clinic (POSTC) of University of Abuja Teaching Hospital (UATH). Early morning midstream urine was collected from each participant for urinalysis, microscopy and aerobic bacterial culture. Bacteria were identified from culture by standard microbiological methods and antibiogram of the isolates was determined by the disk diffusion method. Result: Of 166 HIV infected children and adolescents studied, 106 (63.9%) were males, 82 (49.4%) were in age group 5-10 years, and 110 (66.3%) were from lower socio-economic class. Significant bacteria (UTI) were isolated in 54 (32.5%) subjects, with 38 (70.4%) from females, and 51 (94.4%) from those on first line antiretroviral therapy. Isolates recovered were Escherichia coli 20 (37.0%), Klebsiella pneumoniae 16 (29.6%), Staphylococcus aureus 8 (14.8%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa 6 (11.1%), and Proteus mirabilis 4 (7.4%). Leucocyturia in 19 (35.2%), nitrituria in 10 (18.5%), and haematuria in 15 (27.8%) subjects with significant bacteriuria were also recorded. Isolates were sensitive to ofloxacin (81.5%), nalidixic acid (74.1%) and cefuroxime (61.1%), while they were resistant to cotrimoxazole (100%), ampicillin (98.1%) and piperacillin (94.4%). Significant difference was observed in the mean CD4 cell count and viral load of subjects with significant bacteriuria compared to those without; 838.6 ± 177.8 versus 1009.9 ± 234.7 cells/μL (p=0.02), and 10, 360.5 ± 471.0 versus 5, 840.8 ± 563.8 copies/ml (p=0.003) for CD4 cell count and viral load respectively. Conclusion: This study reported a high prevalence of UTI among HIV infected children and adolescents, especially in those with high viral load. Routine screening for UTI should be offered to HIV infected children and adolescents with high viral load.

Keywords: HIV, urinary tract infection, children, adolescents

Received March 4, 2019; Revised June 22, 2019; Accepted July 13, 2019
Copyright 2019 AJCEM Open Access. This article is licensed and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attrition 4.0 International License (//, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided credit is given to the original author(s) and the source.

Infection des voies urinaires par des bactéries chez des enfants et des adolescents infectés par le VIH à Abuja, au Nigeria: étude transversale

1Okechukwu, A. A., et 2Thairu, Y.
Départements de 1pédiatrie et 2microbiologie, Hôpital universitaire de Abuja, Gwagwalada, Abuja, Nigeria Correspondance à:; +2348036719906
Bacteria UTI in HIV infected children and adolescents Afr. J. Clin. Exper. Microbiol. 2019; 20 (4): 306-314

Contexte: L’infection des voies urinaires (UTI) reste la deuxième infection opportuniste la plus répandue chez les enfants infectés par le VIH. Cette étude a été menée pour déterminer la prévalence et la bactérie causale des infections urinaires chez les enfants et les adolescents infectés par le VIH prenant des antirétroviraux dans notre établissement de santé. Méthode: L’étude était une conception transversale menée entre octobre 2017 et mars 2018 chez des enfants et des adolescents infectés par le VIH âgés de 2 mois à 18 ans et suivis à la Clinique de traitement spécial pour enfants ambulatoires (POSTC) de l’Hôpital universitaire de Abuja (UATH) ). Des échantillons d’urine, de microscopie et de cultures bactériennes aérobies ont été recueillis chez chaque participant. Les bactéries ont été identifiées à partir de cultures par des méthodes microbiologiques standard et l’antibiogramme des isolats a été déterminé par la méthode de diffusion sur disque. Résultat: Sur 166 enfants et adolescents infectés par le VIH étudiés, 106 (63,9%) étaient des hommes, 82 (49,4%) étaient âgés de 5 à 10 ans et 110 (66,3%) appartenaient à la classe socio-économique inférieure. Des bactéries significatives (UTI) ont été isolées chez 54 sujets (32,5%), dont 38 (70,4%) de femmes et 51 (94,4%) de celles sous traitement antirétroviral de première intention. Les isolats récupérés étaient Escherichia coli 20 (37,0%), Klebsiella pneumoniae 16 (29,6%), Staphylococcus aureus 8 (14,8%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa 6 (11,1%) et Proteus mirabilis 4 (7,4%). Une leucocyturie chez 19 sujets (35,2%), une nitriturie chez 10 (18,5%) et une hématurie chez 15 sujets (27,8%) présentant une bactériurie importante ont également été enregistrés. Les isolats étaient sensibles à l’ofloxacine (81,5%), à l’acide nalidixique (74,1%) et au céfuroxime (61,1%), tandis qu’ils étaient résistants au cotrimoxazole (100%), à l’ampicilline (98,1%) et à la pipéracilline (94,4%). Une différence significative a été observée entre le nombre moyen de cellules CD4 et la charge virale des sujets présentant une bactériurie significative par rapport à ceux ne présentant pas; 838,6 ± 177,8 par rapport à 1009,9 ± 234,7 cellules/μL (p = 0,02) et 10, 360,5 ± 471,0 par rapport à 5 840,8 ± 563,8 copies/ml (p = 0,003) pour le nombre de cellules CD4 et la charge virale, respectivement. Conclusion: Cette étude a révélé une prévalence élevée d’UTI chez les enfants et les adolescents infectés par le VIH, en particulier chez ceux ayant une charge virale élevée. Un dépistage systématique des infections urinaires doit être proposé aux enfants et aux adolescents à charge virale élevée infectés par le VIH

Mots-clés: VIH, infection des voies urinaires, enfants, adolescents

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Bacteria urinary tract infection in HIV-infected children and adolescents in Abuja, Nigeria a cross-sectional study

Prevalence of HIV infection among newly admitted students in Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Nigeria

*Nworie, A., Kalu, M. E., Usanga, V. U., and Ibe, O. E.
Department of Medical Laboratory Science, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Nigeria
*Correspondence to:; Mobile: +2348100226465

Background: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and the associated acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) have remained a serious scourge and a major public health concern, affecting millions in sub-Saharan Africa despite awareness campaigns, preventive measures and promotion of antiretroviral regimens. This study determined the prevalence of HIV among newly admitted students of Ebonyi State University as a measure of the impact of awareness campaign towards prevention of HIV transmission.
Methods: Newly admitted students of Ebonyi State University totalling 2,736 who voluntarily enrolled for the study were screened for HIV infection using the national HIV testing algorithm after information relating to their personal lifestyle, knowledge of safer sex and preventive measures have been obtained with the use of a client intake form.
Results: Of the 2,736 subjects screened, 6 were positive for HIV, giving a prevalence rate of 0.22%, with prevalence rate of 0.29% (4 of 1344) in females and 0.14% (2 of 1392) in males (X2=0.2041, p=0.6514). The positive subjects were spread across age groups 15-19 years (1), 20-24 years (4) and 25-29 years (1). Males and females who have had sex were 801 and 579 out of which 239 and 209 respectively acknowledged to have had unprotected sex within three months of the study.
Conclusion: The low HIV prevalence rate of 0.22% among school age and young adults in this study may indicate that awareness and safe sex campaigns in Ebonyi State have positive impact in HIV prevention amongst these groups of people.

Keywords: HIV, students, Ebonyi State University, Nigeria, prevalence, campaign

Received May 19, 2019; Revised July 15, 2019; Accepted July 16, 2019
Copyright 2019 AJCEM Open Access. This article is licensed and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attrition 4.0 International License (//, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided credit is given to the original author(s) and the source.

Prévalence de l’infection à VIH chez les étudiants nouvellement admis à l’Université d’Ebonyi, Abakaliki, Nigéria

*Nworie, A., Kalu, M. E., Usanga, V. U., et Ibe, O. E.
Département des sciences de laboratoire médical, université d’État Ebonyi, Abakaliki, Nigéria
*Correspondance à:; Mobile: +2348100226465

Contexte: le virus de l’immunodéficience humaine (VIH) et le syndrome d’immunodéficience acquise (SIDA) associé restent un grave fléau et un grave problème de santé publique, touchant des millions de personnes en Afrique subsaharienne en dépit des campagnes de sensibilisation, des mesures préventives et de la promotion des schémas thérapeutiques antirétroviraux. Cette étude a déterminé la prévalence du VIH parmi les étudiants nouvellement admis à l’Université d’Ebonyi en tant que mesure de l’impact de la campagne de sensibilisation sur la prévention de la transmission du VIH.
Méthodes: Les étudiants nouvellement admis à l’Université d’Ebonyi, sur un total de 2 736 inscrits volontairement à l’étude, ont été dépistés pour l’infection à VIH à l’aide de l’algorithme national de dépistage du VIH, après que des informations relatives à leur mode de vie personnel, à leur connaissance du sexe sans risque et à des un formulaire d’admission du client.
Résultats: Sur les 2 736 sujets dépistés, 6 étaient séropositifs, soit un taux de prévalence de 0,22%, avec un taux de prévalence de 0,29% (4 sur 1344) chez les femmes et de 0,14% (2 sur 1392) chez les hommes (X2 = 0,2041, p = 0,6514). Les sujets positifs étaient répartis dans les groupes d’âge 15-19 ans (1), 20-24 ans (4) et 25-29 ans (1). Les hommes et les femmes ayant eu des rapports sexuels comptaient 801 et 579 personnes, dont 239 et 209 respectivement ont reconnu avoir eu des rapports sexuels non protégés dans les trois mois suivant l’étude.
Conclusion: Le faible taux de prévalence du VIH de 0,22% chez les enfants d’âge scolaire et les jeunes adultes dans cette étude peut indiquer que les campagnes de sensibilisation et de promotion du sexe sans risque dans l’État d’Ebonyi ont un impact positif sur la prévention du VIH parmi ces groupes de personnes

Mots-clés: VIH, étudiants, université d’Ebonyi, Nigéria, prévalence, campagne

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Prevalence of HIV infection among newly admitted students in Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Nigeria


Prevalence of HIV/Sputum AFB positivity among patients attending University of Benin Teaching Hospital (UBTH), Benin City, Nigeria

O Iyoha, WO Osarogiagbon



Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Tuberculosis(TB) have synergistic interactions that speedily accelerate decline of the host’s immune system and accentuate the progression of each other. Eight hundred and ninety five patients referred from different units of University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Nigeria were screened for antibodies to HIV-1 and HIV-2 using ELISA and sputum microscopy for acid-fast bacilli. The result showed that, 92(10.3%) were HIV positive with females 68(14.2%) higher than males 24(5.8%) though not statistically significant (p=0.066), 123(13.7%) patients were AFB positive, with males 75(18.1%) significantly higher than females 48(10%) (p=0.046) and 14(1.6%) patients were co-infected. Although the co-infection rate was higher among females 9(1.9%) than males 5(1.2%), there was no significant difference (p=0.450). The age group 40-49 and 50-59 had the highest TB/HIV co-infection (2.5% each).Regular screening for TB in HIV patients and HIV in TB patients would demonstrate the true burden of TB disease amongst HIV infected patients.

Key words: prevalence, TB, HIV, co-infection, Nigeria.


Le virus de l’immunodéficience humaine(VIH) et la tuberculose (TB) ont des interactions synergiques qui rapidement accélèrent le déclin du système immunitaire de l’hôte et accentuent la progression de l’un l’autre. Huit cent quatre – vingt quinze patients des différentes unités de l’université hôpital  d’enseignement de Benin, Nigeria, ont été criblés pour les anticorps a VIH – 1 et VIH – 2 en utilisant ELISA microscopique des expectorations pour les bacilles acide – Résistant. Le résultat a montrée que 92 (10,3%) étaient séropositifs avec des femelles 68(14,2%) plus élevé que les males 24(5,8%), mais pas
statiquement significatif, (p=0,066), 123(13,7%) patients étaient AFB positif, avec les males 75(18,1%) significativement plus élevés que les femelles 48 (10%) (p=0,046) et 14 (1,6%) patients ont été Co – infectés. Bien que le taux de la Co – infection était plus élevé parmi les femelles 9(1,9%) que les males 5 (1,2%), il n y avait pas de différence significative (p=0,450). Le groupe d’âges 40 – 49 et 50 – 59 avait la plus forte Co – infection de TB/HIV (2,5%). Le dépistage régulier de la tuberculose chez les patients VIH et VIH chez les patients tuberculeux démontrerait le véritable fardeau de la maladie de la tuberculose chez les patients infectés par le VIH.

Mots Clés : Prevalence, Tuberculose, VIH, Co – infection, Nigeria.

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Prevalence of HIVSputum AFB positivity among patients attending University of Benin Teaching Hospital (UBTH), Benin City, Nigeria