Antimicrobial susceptibility of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase producing Enterobacteriaceae causing urinary tract infections in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

D.S. Kpoda, N Guessennd, N.S. Somda, A Ajayi, J.I. Bonkoungou, F Konan, M.B. Ouattara, M Somda, J Simpore, R Ouedraogo, K.M. Drabo, L Sangare, M Dosso, A.S. Traore



Objective: To determine the frequency of extended-spectrum beta lactamase producing Enterobacteriaceae (ESBL) and other antibioticsresistant bacteria in urinary tract isolates.

Study Design: prospective and experimental study.

Methodology: Place and duration of study :YalgadoOuedraogo University Hospital Center, Charles De Gaulle Pediatric Hospital Center, Saint Camille Hospital and National Public Health Laboratory, Ouagadougou, from November 2014 to October 2015.

AllEnterobacteriaceaestrains isolated from urinary samples of patients were identifiedusing API 20E chemical gallery (BioMerieux, France). All strains were subjected to an array of 14 antibiotics to study their drug susceptibility by using Kirby- Baeurdisk diffusion method. Detection of ESBL was carried out by double disk diffusion technique. Statistical analysis was performed by Microsoft Excel and Anova one-way GrapPad Prism version 5.01. Chi-square (χ2) test was used to determine significance. A p˂ 0.05was considered to be statistically significant.

Results: A total of 324 isolates of Enterobacteriaceae were identified during the study period, including211(65%) E. coli, 75 (23%)Klebsiellaspp., 18 (6%) Enterobacter spp., 11 (3%)Proteus spp., 5 (2%) Citrobacter spp., Serratia spp. 3 (1%).All the clinical isolates were susceptible to imipenem. Resistance to amikacinwas 14% (45/324); gentamicin 54% (175/324); tobramycin 58% (187/324); nalidixic acid 72% (234/324),ciprofloxacin 63% (204/324) and to cotrimoxazole 83% (269/324).The overall rate of the EBSL producing strains was 35% (114/324). Their susceptibility to antibiotics was (imipenem,amikacin, cefoxitin and fosfomycin) 100% (114/114), 93% (106/114), 74% (84/114) and 84% (96/114) respectively. ESBL positivity within individual organism group was highest inEscherichia coli 64% (73/324) followed byKlebsiellaspp. 28% (32/324), Enterobacterspp. 3% (4/324), Proteus spp. and Citrobacterspp. 2% (2/324).

Conclusion: The results showeda high frequency of ESBL producing Enterobacteriaceae, especially Escherichia coli and Klebsiellaspp. The data points to theneed of routine detection and surveillance of ESBL producing bacteria in Burkina Faso.

Keywords: Antimicrobial susceptibility, Enterobacteriaceae, Urine, Burkina Faso

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Antimicrobial susceptibility of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase producing Enterobacteriaceae causing urinary tract infections in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Incidence microbiological profile and drug resistance pattern of uropathogens causing asymptomatic bacteriuria among below poverty line diabetic male patients

S Balamuruganvelu, B Geethavani, S.V. Reddy, R Srikumar, V.K.G. Sundaram



Introduction: With the prevalence of DM increasing among rural population in developing countries, factors associated with diabetes and its complications also becomes more important. More than half of diabetic patients with ASB have upper urinary tract involvement and the frequency of symptomatic UTI had been significantly higher. Symptomatic UTIs tends to be more common in diabetic subjects with ASB than in those without ASB. Although ASB is of major concern in diabetic population, the long-term consequences of ASB in patients with DM are poorly documented, Almost all studies were performed among elderly women with type 2 diabetes and there is very little information on the occurrence of ASB among BPL diabetic males in our local setting. Hence in the present study the incidence and etiology of ASB among BPL diabetic male patients was monitored along with the resistance pattern of bacterial isolates to antimicrobial agents.

Materials and methods: Clean catch voided midstream urine samples were collected from 1131 BPL Diabetic male patients enrolled for the study. Wet film of centrifuged urine was performed to detect the presence of pus cells, epithelial cells, erythrocytes, microorganisms, cast. Culture was performed using standard loop method and antimicrobial susceptibility of the isolates was studied using Kirby Bauer disc diffusion method following CLSI guidelines.

Results: Out of 1131 BPL diabetic male patients screened for ASB, 155 (13.7%) were culture positive. Among the uropathogens Gram negative bacilli was the most commonest type (72.7%) and the most prevalent organisms isolated was Klebsiella spp (35.2%), Enterococcus spp (22.4%), followed by E. coli (19.4 %) ,Pseudomonas aeruginosa ( 7.3%), etc.,. 87.5% of E.coli isolated were ESBL, followed by 77.6 % of Klebsilla spp and 11.1 % Enteroabacter spp. Pseudomonas aeruginosa reported in this study were 100% ESBL and 16.6% Metallo β lactamase (MBL) producers.8.1 % of Vancomycin resistant Enterococcus (VRE) was also found in this study.

Conclusion: This study demonstrated a high occurrence of ASB in BPL diabetic males (13.7%). Klebsiella was the most commonest uropathogen found in our study followed by Enterococcus , E.coli and PseudomonasE.coli and Pseudomonas showed high rates of drug resistance. Nitrofurantoin and Amikacin was the most effective drugs for majority of the isolates. Hence routine monitoring and screening for ASB in this population is essential. Moreover patients in rural parts of developing countries with diabetes has to be sensitized about the complications of ASB and regarding maintenance of their glycemic control which is of major importance in prevention of the condition.

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Incidence microbiological profile and drug resistance pattern of uropathogens causing asymptomatic bacteriuria among below poverty line diabetic male patients



Prevalence and antibiotics susceptibility profile of Enterococcus spp. Isolated from some hospitals in Abuja, Nigeria

J.C. Ndubuisi, O.S. Olonitola, A.T. Olayinka, E.D. Jatau, K.C. Iregbu



This study investigated the prevalence and antibiotics susceptibility of Enterococcus spp. isolated from patients and some selected hospital environment in Abuja, Nigeria. The samples included clinical and environmental. The clinical samples included stool, urine and wound swabs while the environmental samples included swabs samples taken from the health care givers hands, floor, beds, door handle, BP cuff, stethoscope, sink, toilet seats. The samples were cultured on bile aesculinazide agar and the isolates were identified with microgen test kit. The enterococcal strains isolated include Enterococcus faecalisEnterococcus faeciumEnterococcus mundtii, Enterococcus gallinarum,Enterococcus casseliflavusEnterococcus disparEnterococcoushirae and Enterococcus avium. The susceptibility testing was done with vancomycin, teicoplanin, gentamicin, streptomycin, linezolid, ampicillin, ciprofloxacin, chloramphenicol, doxycycline, nitrofurantoin, erythromycin and rifampin. More than 50% of the isolates were resistant to erythromycin, rifampin and doxycycline. E-test M.I.C confirmed 12 out of 34 strains to be intermediately resistant to vancomycin. Enterococcus faeciumand Enterococcus mundtii exhibited more resistance than Enterococcus faecalis.

Keyword: Enterococcus spp., samples, Isolates, Hospitals, susceptibility, resistance, vancomycin

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Prevalence and antibiotics susceptibility profile of Enterococcus spp. Isolated from some hospitals in Abuja, Nigeria

Antimicrobial activity of moringa on ear, nose and throat associated fungi, and vancomycin resistant cocci isolated at Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital, Kano, Nigeria

M.D. Mukhtar, S.A. Orah, Y Mohammed



This study was aimed at evaluating the antimicrobial activity of Moringa on ear, nose and throat associated fungi and vancomycin resistant cocci. The plant material was extracted with methanol and petroleum ethe and screened for phytochemical contents. The microbial isolates were obtained from females and males patients (both adults and children) attending ear, nose and throat clinic at Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital. Coccal bacteria and fungi were isolated accordingly. The cocci were screened for vancomycin resistance. The antimicrobial assay was carried out using gradient double (12.5-100mg/mL) assay. The MIC, MBC/MFC and Brine shrimp toxicity test were also conducted. Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenesStreptococcus pneumoniaeCandida albicans and Aspergillus fumigatus were isolated. Up to 21.4% of S. aureus were vancomycin resistant, 20% of S. pneumoniae isolated were vancomycin resistant and 16.7% S. pyogenes were vancomycin resistant. The plant extracts showed zones of inhibition of 08mm-20mm at concentrations ranging from 12.5-100mg/mL. The most susceptible organism to both extracts was C. albicans and the least susceptible was S. aureus. The MIC of the methanol extracts ranged from 0.78 to 50mg/mL but MBC/MFC ranged from 6.25 to 200mg/mL. The MIC of the petroleum ether was at 50 to 200mg/mL and the MBC/MFC was from 200 to 800mg/mL. The brine shrimp lethality assay showed LC50 value of 93.48μg/mL for Moringa methanol extract while the LC50 value for Moringa petroleum ether extract was 3.691μg/mL. Moringa methanol extract (100mg/mL), showed appreciable activity against the fungal isolates and vancomycin resistant cocci associated with Ear, Nose and Throat symptoms while Moringa petroleum ether extract showed activity only on the fungal isolate C. albicans. The study demonstrated that Moringa methanol extracts was more active than Moringa petroleum ether extracts. The search for novel cytotoxic ingredient in Moringa should be encouraged.

Keywords: Antimicrobial, Moringa, Ear, Nose, Throat, Fungi, Vancomycin, Resistant, Cocci

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Antimicrobial susceptibility of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase producing Enterobacteriaceae causing urinary tract infections in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso



Isolation and screening of fungal isolates from bambara (Vigna subterranea) nuts for tannase production

A.A. Ajayi, O.F. Adeniji, A Egunjobi, O.M. Atolagbe, E.A. Onibokun, S.O. Anosike, M.I. Oniha



Tannase (Tannin acyl hydrolase, EC is an enzyme produced in the presence of tannic acid by various filamentous fungi. They are produced principally by fungi of the genus Aspergillus and Penicillium. The enzyme is used in the food and beverage industry as a clarifying agent for wines, beers and fruit juices. In Africa, billions of dollars are expended yearly on the importation of commercial enzymes for the food and pharmaceutical industries and this increases the cost of production and the finished goods. This study was carried out to isolate tannase producing fungal species using Bambara nuts as a substrate in a bid to finding alternatives to the importation of tannase. Fresh Bambara nuts were collected from different locations in Nigeria. They were cleaned, sorted and intermittently moistened with water to encourage fungal growth for fourteen days. The different fungi obtained after fourteen days were inoculated onto Potato Dextrose Agar plates and incubated at 25°C for five days. Subculturing of fungal isolates was carried out to obtain pure cultures of isolates. Tannilytic activity (hydrolysis of tannin) of isolates was assessed by inoculating them in media containing tannin. The plates were incubated at 25°C for 2-5 days after which the plates were observed and zones of hydrolysis measured. A total of eighteen isolates were obtained. They were all members of the Aspergillus genus. 56% (10) of the isolates were able to degrade tannin acid with mean zone of hydrolysis of 39mm ±23.7 mm (Range 10-70mm). This study established members of the Aspergillus genus isolated from Bambara nuts as viable fungi for application in the production of tannase. This study adds to existing reports on fungal production of tannase.

Keywords: Tannase, Fungal isolates, Aspergillus, Bambara nuts, Vigna subterranea

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Isolation and screening of fungal isolates from bambara (Vigna subterranea) nuts for tannase production


Altered protein and iron levels of patients with active tuberculosis in a Nigerian reference health facility

P.A. Akpan, I.M. Okafor, S Anakebe



Backgound: Tuberculosis as a state of chronic inflammation impacts on haematologic functions of the body.

Objectives: This study aimed at assessing iron parameters and serum protein levels of ninety tuberculosis patients aged fifteen to sixty years, enrolled from Dr Lawrence Henshaw Memorial Hospital, Calabar, Nigeria. Ninety apparently healthy individuals age and gendermatched served as control subjects.

Methods: Packed cell volume, haemoglobin concentration, serum iron, total iron binding capacity, total protein, albumin and serum ferritin were determined using standard methods. Transferrin saturation, globulin concentration and albumin-globulin ratio were derived by calculation. Data were analysed using student T-test on SPSS version 20 software. Statistical significance was set at P-value less than 0.05.

Results: Packed cell volume, haemoglobin concentration, serum iron, total iron binding capacity, transferrin saturation, albumin levels and albumin-globulin ratio of tuberculosis patients were found to be significantly lower while serum ferritin and globulin were significantly increased (p<0.05) as compared with control values. Serum ferritin improved towards control values as anti-tuberculosis therapy progressed.

Conclusion: A reduction in haemoglobin, serum iron, total iron binding capacity and transferrin saturation and increase in serum ferritin as well as altered serum protein levels, occur in tuberculosis infection.

Keywords: Tuberculosis, iron, serum protein

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Altered protein and iron levels of patients with active tuberculosis in a Nigerian reference health facility

Bacterial contamination of stethoscopes at a tertiary care hospital in southwestern Nigeria

O.A. Adesanya, V.U. Nwadike, O.O. Adesanya, A.B. Lamina



Hospital acquired infections are a recognized cause of morbidity and mortality all over the world. They are frequently caused by organisms residing in healthcare environment, including contaminated medical equipment like stethoscopes. There is limited awareness of health workers of the contribution of contaminated hospital equipment to nosocomial infections. Hence we aimed to determine the level of bacterial contamination and bacterial profile of the isolates from stethoscopes at our centre- a tertiary care hospital in Abeokuta, Southwest Nigeria.

To achieve this, 2 stethoscopes were selected from each of the clinical care units in the hospital and studied. Specimens were collected using moistened sterile cotton swab from the ear pieces and diaphragms of each stethoscope and processed following standard microbiological techniques. In all, 26 stethoscopes were studied. 46.2% (12) of the diaphragms cultured yielded growth of bacteria while only 11.5% (3) of the ear pieces cultured yielded a growth of bacteria. Staphylococcus aureus (58.3%) was the most commonly cultured organism. Other organisms cultured included: Diphtheroids, Proteus species and Escherichia coli. 83.3% of the isolated organisms were gram positive while 16.7% were gram negative organisms.In conclusion,the study shows that there is a high level of contamination of stethoscopes in use by health care workers. Disinfection of stethoscopes before and after use is advocated to reduce the spread of infections.

Keywords: Stethoscopes, Contaminated medical equipment, Disinfection, Hospital acquired infections, Health care workers, Bacterial profile

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Bacterial contamination of stethoscopes at a tertiary care hospital in southwestern Nigeria

Hand washing practices and the occurrence of enteropathogenic bacteria among residents of a Nigerian University

F Ayoade, C.H. Ardern



Hand washing is known to be an important preventive strategy and a major step in infection control. However, compliance is low in most communities. The present work investigated the relationship between the levels of compliance to hand washing and related this to the occurrence of infectious bacteria in the test population. A questionnaire which contained information on bio-demographic characteristics and hand hygiene practices was applied to 100 individuals in the study population. Microbiological samples were obtained, Total Colony Counts was done and the isolates were identified using standard bacteriological methods. The results showed that 46% of the respondents wash their hands before eating food; 40% of the test population washes their hands after using the toilet; while none of the respondents wash their hands after handling money. The highest bacterial load was found in the 0-15 years age group. The most highly occurring isolate was Salmonella enterica(23.7%). These results confirm the low level of compliance to hand hygiene in the test population and underscores the need to effectively break the fecal–oral transmission route via hands through effective interventions such as hand washing with soap and water.

Keywords: enteropathogenic bacteria, hand washing, compliance

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Hand washing practices and the occurrence of enteropathogenic bacteria among residents of a Nigerian University

Multiple antibiotic resistance indices of Aeromonas hydrophila isolates of muscle of catfish (Clarias gariepinus, Burchell 1822) from selected markets in Ibadan, Nigeria

B.A. Saka, O.K. Adeyemo, A.O. Odeseye



The extensive use and misuse of antimicrobials for treatment and prophylaxis in livestock production generally and aquaculture in particular is of great concern to environmental and public health. In Nigeria, regulation and monitoring of aquaculture and other livestock production activities at best is lax. Drug resistance pathogens have therefore been consistently reported in Nigeria.

Ninety-eight adult live fishes weighing an average of 684.88±141.73g were purchased at random from different live-fish selling points fortnightly over a fourteen-week period. Fish were anaesthetized using Tricaine Methane Sulfonate (MS222 and 15g of muscle excised and processed according to standard methods. Growth, isolation and characterization of Aeromonas hydrophila was accomplished using Rimler-Shotts agar medium which had been infused with ampicillin supplement for 24 hours and incubated at 37oC and appropriate biochemical tests.

Ten positive isolates (AH1-AH10) were subjected to culture and sensitivity test using the disc diffusion method on nutrient agar. Zones of growth inhibition around the colonies were observed, measured and characterized as sensitive, intermediate and resistant based on the Manual of Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing method. All the isolates had MAR >0.2. Isolate AH9 had the highest MAR index (1). Three of the isolates (AH3, AH5 and AH8) had MAR indices of 0.89, while AH2, AH4 and AH7 had MAR indices of 0.67. This study established the resistance of Aeromonas hydrophila isolates from fish muscle to a wide range of antibiotic. The detection of high MAR A. hydrophila in muscle of fish intended for consumption is significant and could act as a potential source of resistant bacteria for humans. Further investigation into antimicrobial resistance is recommended.

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Multiple antibiotic resistance indices of Aeromonas hydrophila isolates of muscle of catfish (Clarias gariepinus, Burchell 1822) from selected markets in Ibadan, Nigeria


Antimicrobial activity of Lycoperdon perlatum whole fruit body on common pathogenic bacteria and fungi

U.K. Akpi, C.K. Odoh, E.E. Ideh, U.S. Adobu



Antimicrobial activities of extracts of fruit bodies of Lycoperdon perlatum against Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coliBacillus cereusCandida albicans and Candida glabrata were investigated. Antimicrobial components from the mushrooms were extracted using ethanol, methanol and water. The antimicrobial activities were examined by agar well diffusion method. The MIC, MBC and MFC were evaluated for each extract of the mushroom. The aqueous extract of Lycoperdon perlatum inhibited the growth of all the tested pathogenic organisms except P. aeruginosa while the methanol and ethanol extracts inhibited all the tested organisms. The phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of varying levels of bioactive compounds. Flavonoids, saponins, protein and carbohydrate were detected in all the extracts while glycosides, alkaloids and tannins were found in some. The results obtained from this study suggest that Lycoperdon perlatum has broad-spectrum of activity against microbial isolates used.

Keywords: Lycoperdon perlatum, antimicrobial, phytochemicals, well diffusion

Antimicrobial activity of Lycoperdon perlatum whole fruit body on common pathogenic bacteria and fungi